Kernel Panic while installing

when i tried to install , it keeps failing
Hardware : NUC7i7DNB

Please help many thanks :slight_smile:

Try using a different piece of USB installation media and re-create it.

tried just getting the same thing. Would it be a harware problem instead? :frowning:

Hi @mitchell_lim,

Can you let me know the model/manufacturer of the SSD installed in your setup? In the previous threads I could find referencing this issue, it seemed to be due to the SSD model:

Also, do you mind posting a clearer screenshot? It’s a bit hard to make out the exact error message in that screenshot.

Hi. My SSD Is Samsung 256GB, it operated well until today , I could not login with network error message.

Then I reinstalled the ROCK and failed.

I will post the screenshot later

From the screenshot it looks like the root filesystem isn’t mounted.

You have Usage: mount [OPTIONS] … and then mount: mounting errors and finally switch root: can't exec '/sbin/init: No such file or directory'.

Could be a corrupt image file; download this again and re-flash the USB drive.

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I would reseat the ssd board and the ram too


Thank you, reseat the SSD board and the RAM solved the problem.

Now I am having a log in failed issued. With Apple Extreme router I can log in but not with my new Asus router … any help will be appreciated

finally, all solved by changing the DNS sever …

Hi @mitchell_lim,

Thanks for the update here, glad to hear the issue is sorted out!

Thank you everyone


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