Listen Later 🕐 Feedback Thread

Mistakes of this nature, which appear to be widespread, should not make it through. That is my point.
Roon don’t need to reinvent the wheel, options exist already. Either effectively sift through the EA sub category, which seems incredibly inefficient and prone to error or have a more robust process, such as in app reporting with the option to attach logs.

That method does not need the user to know which version they’re on, it should be reported.
Anyone who can send an email can generate a report of that nature.
I can’t add any more to this thread, it’s in Roon labs court to resolve this. It’s premium software, with a premium cost, the basics should be in place.

This is the crux of the issue. It’s early access not aplha or beta testing, so attracts the wrong audience. IMO, alpha was a more considered and managed forum, that wasn’t visible to the entire community. Evidently, this didn’t work for Roon.

Furthermore, don’t underestimate the pressure from the corporate gods and marketing on developers release updates and new features. Usually, they’re tone deaf to “I told you so”.


I don’t know if they are all that widespread, but as I had already said before, it may well be too often. This LL one isn’t exactly catastrophic, but we have seen worse (like the destroyed queue) that were really problematic and shouldn’t have happened.

My point, though, is that everybody knows that it shouldn’t happen, but everybody also knows that murders shouldn’t happen and yet they do.

It’s easy to agree on obvious basic stuff, but not as easy to find solutions that take the actual, practical scenarios into account, i.e., solutions that don’t assume resources that don’t exist and rely on user abilities that don’t exist in big numbers.

I mean, you don’t even want to take part in the easy EA stuff, which is fine, but then you suggest hardcore methods like the Debian Bugzilla.

Yes, but it still needs the user to provide a coherent and ideally reproducible case.

If only

True. Small groups always suffer from limited coverage.

Several steps with increasingly bigger groups are good, but tend to make everything slower, and if it’s too show, users migrate to the EA- like channels and the problem is only moved any not solved.

Also true, but this just means that

Of course it does. We seem to have circled round to make obvious points. Some people will write gibberish and some will report an issue effectively, that will obviously happen in any scenario.
I don’t know why this was even brought up.
I’m done anyway, this has ran it’s course.

Because you keep repeating how this is all a solved problem and Roon doesn’t need to reinvent the wheel, when in reality it’s not.

Perhaps, if posting to EA was limited to those who participate in the EA program, it would reduce the noise.


I no longer participate in EA as like @Grasshopper I find the process to be completely broken and feedback seemingly ignored. But I appreciate the pain others put yourself through to get things a few weeks earlier :pray:.

But I would be happy to have read only access to the EA threads/Category to keep up my reading and not being able to post, as I agree that it should be more focused. Seems a very reasonable idea to me at least.


Love this ! Also, a “buy physically later (CD or Vinyl) would be a great little database to have

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Good news for all! Unable to remove albums from Listen Later menu (ref#NIH4SH) [Ticket In] - #14 by noris


Love this feature!

What would make it even better for my use case was if it incorporated a Shazam (like) feature.

  1. Add shazam to linked services and whenever I use Shazam to find a song, it it automatically added to LL.
  2. Or
 a Shazam like functionality directly from within LL.

My specific use case would be, I’m in a bar where a great song plays. I Shazam the song and listen to it later the next day using LL.

Opportunity to vote:

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This would be a nice feature.

But until we get it; I click the song in Shazam library, then click on Share Song, then Copy Without Link, then paste to Roon Search, go to desired result (if any) and finally add to Listen Later.

It doesn’t take too long, but a direct feature in Roon would sure make it simple.

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I have been using Listen Later daily. I stopped creating new release playlists every week and instead add new releases to Listen Later. I adore this new feature and thank you Roon team for implementing it!

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something different on this topic. I have my language set to German, can I get “Listen Later” translated in some way so that it is consistent? Currently it looks like it was somehow “planted”.

Should probably be translated and included soon, else let them know, I guess:

Ok, thanks for the quick information.
I thought I had overlooked something because I assumed that the existing languages ​​would also be implemented with the rollout.
So I’ll hide it for now

Translations are contributed by the community, so they are independent from software updates (can’t delay an update until all participants have sent in their translations). I think they are updated online.

Time to roll up the sleeves, and get to work!

You can contribute by logging on to and add your translations.

Instructions here:

Discussion thread for the German translation here:

Without words

  • Time to roll up the sleeves, and get to work!
  • You can contribute by logging on to and add your translations.
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