The new version of Lyrics works, but only when streaming lyrics are available. And streaming lyrics are often not available. Based on randomly picking albums, it appears that streaming lyrics aren’t available at least half of the time. I have listed examples below where streaming lyrics fail, and the list of failures includes songs where that feature should work. (It fails on songs by Frank Sinatra, Bruce Springsteen, Wilco, Loretta Lynn, and many others.)
The problem is that when it fails to work, we are now stuck with huge letters that we must constantly scroll through – line by line.
In the previous release, the lyrics appeared in a text box, so you could read along, and only had to scroll down one or twice at most.
Now, when the streaming feature fails, you are forced to constantly scroll down – scrolling line by laborious line.
One option would be to automatically use the large letters when lyrics will stream, and the old box of lyrics when streaming is not available. My guess is that this level of precision is not possible.
Therefore, please restore the ability to select the text size for lyrics, as it existed in the prior release, and have the streaming function work within that box, scrolling down through each line of text by using bold or highlighting.
Then, when streaming fails, we at least have one large box of text, and we do not have to constantly and manually scroll down line by line.
IMHO this is another step backwards, and it is a feature that was not well tested prior to the roll out of the software. Streaming fails often enough that the big lines of text makes it cumbersome, and nearly impossible, to use the lyrics feature.
Examples of where lyrics are available, but fail to stream and we are left with having to manually scroll down, one laborious line after another. I found these in less than 5 minutes of testing the feature:
Rebecca Pidgeon - Spanish Harlem
Benjamin Clementine - At Least for Now
Sheppard - Bombs Away
Oklahoma (broadway version)
Frank Sinatra - Sinatra’s Sinatra - I’ve Got You Under My Skin
Bruce Springstreen - Darkness on the Edge of Town
Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
Loretta Lynn - I’m a Honky Tonk Girl
And I found those in only 5 minutes. It is a lot of laborious scrolling, line by line.