Nucleus stopped responding - had to reboot

Same issue here… At 1:59 PM PST, My N+ stopped responding… It is happening quite regularly after the upgrade. @dylan @support

Hard restart is the only option, restart from a browser doesn’t work, Nothing else works…

The ROON remote hangs (stops responding), restart of the ROON Remote shows the “Searching for ROON Core message”… HARD RESTART is the only option…

Hi @Tushar_das,

What does your network setup look like, can you please share some details?

Was the issue connecting to it present on multiple Roon Remotes?


In a Mesh network, the N+ is directly connected to a Node. Lumin U1 is connected to the same Node via EtherRegen to the B side of eR.

I never had this problem before the last stability Update.


Hi @Tushar_das,

Are you still able to access the Nucleus Web UI when this issue occurs? Do you notice the uptime of RoonServer change on the WebUI when the issue occurs?

Affirmative, I can access the web UI. But, if I execute the shutdown or the reboot options it displays in the UI the process is executed but in reality nothing happens. What I mean to say is I can execute the SHUTDOWN process by clicking on the button multiple times, which is weird, because when the process works the WEB UI should not be accessible after a SHUTDOWN process is executed.

Also I shutdown my entire music landscape before going to bed including routers & N+. When I power on the N+ in the morning, sometimes 1 press of the power button is enough, sometimes 1 press does nothing (the light on the power button is glowing, and the GUI is not accessible even after few min); I have to press the power button to switch it off(the light goes off) and then press again to switch it ON, and this time it works and I’m able to access the GUI screen.

Happened today 11:33 AM PST… was listening to the below album… Music just stopped… Nothing responds… WEB UI is accessible… I did a SHUTDOWN but the WEBGUI is still accessible… Had to Physically press the power button for few seconds to shut it off and then press again to restart… Nothing show up after few seconds, then press the power button once again to turn it off, and then press again to start… this time I have o/p from my HDMI… ( I have HDMI cable connected to a monitor)

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It happened today again, below are the screen shots…

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Hi @Tushar_das,

Thanks for those new timestamps and for your patience while your case reached my queue again.

I have activated diagnostics mode for your Nucleus and what this does is automatically upload a log set to our servers.

I’m looking over the log and it appears that during the timestamp you mentioned the log file suddenly ends, which is strange.

Looking over the Nucleus system log, I’m seeing a few errors related to the Nucleus SSD, I suggest that we try a fresh database and OS reinstall to see if this helps.

If you create a Backup then try to reset the Nucleus Database + Settings and perform an OS reinstall via the Web Interface, do you still have any further issues afterwards?

ROCK Database Reset

Please try to set up the database as fresh (do not restore the backup for now) and let me know if the issue are still occurring. Thank you and Happy Holidays :fireworks:

New database? I can’t do that … With the previous update, the entire database was corrupted around September, If I remember. I had a tough time creating a new database and built my playlist slowly over the last 3 months… There is no way I’m gonna do that again… My system is not an assembled one, it is a N+… Wouldn’t you know how the system works?

Please do not suggest to recreate a database from scratch. It is not an option… :slight_smile: You shouldn’t ask your customer to experiment on your behalf, with the Hardware developed/created by you…

The issues I documented is solved by a restart, hopefully, it stays that way, till you guys figure out the issue with stock N+, or the upcoming OS update somehow fixes the issue… :slight_smile: Please do not ask me to install/re-install etc… I literally do not have time… FOr me N+ is the ZEN I reach out too when the stress is high, N+ shouldn’t become a STRESS… Thank you for your support, Sincerely appreciate your effort…

Happy Holidays to you too…

Happened today again at 8:05 PM PST… :slight_smile:

@support @dylan Transcend boot SSD seems to have died. I’m buying the SSD and requests you for Nucleus OS installation instruction and files. Please know, I’m leaving for Europe on 4th for a long term implementation project. :rofl: @noris Looks like your wish to re-install the OS has been granted…

  1. Without the 128GB Transcend, and 2.5 mm SanDisk installed. I get the below message.

  2. With the 128GB Transcend installed, and 2.5 mm SanDisk installed. The ROON logo appears for less than a second, and then I get the below message.

  3. below is the landscape inside.

Hi @Tushar_das,

Sorry to hear that, but at least now we’ve identified the issue was the one I suspected with the SSD. SSDs sometimes have hardware failures, it’s unfortunate, but at least we’ve pinpointed the issue and swapping it out should help resolve the difficulties moving forward.

Typically a Nucleus reinstall can only be done by a dealer, but I can forward your case to our RMA team and they can provide more details. Before I’m able to loop in the RMA team, can you please let me know:

  1. What is the best email address to reach you at? The one I have on file is:

  2. What is the serial number of the Nucleus (on a sticker underneath it).

  3. Where did you purchase this Nucleus from? If from a dealer please include name and city/country.

  4. What was the date of purchase of the Nucleus?

I have unlisted this thread so the communication remains between us.
Thank you and Happy New Year!

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As requested the information below:-

  1. Affirmative, is my primary email.
  2. S/N number
  3. Purchased the Nucleus from the USA, the dealer is on July 2nd 2020.
  4. Date of purchase 2nd July 2020.

I was following the below thread to install, am I doing something wrong? I ask this because you said only a dealer can install ROON.
ROCK Install Guide (

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ETA in this regard? I understand it is a holiday season… :slight_smile: IF I’m provided with the necessary instructions, I can do the DIY stuff…

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Hi @Tushar_das,

Thanks for the above information and for your offer to do some manual repairs here.

I’ve submitted your case to our RMA team along with the your note regarding travel.

You should hear directly from our RMA staff with the best path towards a resolution here!

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Thank you. To keep you updated, the RMA team did not reach out to me today.

@wklie here’s the guide. I got myself a Samsung 256g 980, waiting to be delivered today.

For dealing with your dead SSD in Nucleus+, there are differences between ROCK and Nucleus OS: the latter identifies itself as Nucleus, has different thermal management, hides some useless ports, and provides home automation for specific hardware.

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