Here’s the error in the event log:slight_smile:
I’ll reinstall Roon.
Here’s the error in the event log:slight_smile:
I’ll reinstall Roon.
Hi @leftside ----- Thank you for the report and sharing your feedback with us, sorry to hear of the troubles.
I wanted to touch base and see if any progress or no observations have been since performing the mentioned reinstall.
If Roon is still crashing, in your response may I very kindly ask yo to please provide the following:
A brief but accurate description of your current setup using this link as a guide.
Please send us over a set of your “Roon” logs using the instructions found here
Additionally, I did some research into the error code mentioned in the log traces (i.e 0xe0434352) and according the provide link the error can occur because of the following:
The 0xe0434352 error may be caused by windows system files damage. The corrupted system files entries can be a real threat to the well being of your computer.
There can be many events which may have resulted in the system files errors. An incomplete installation, an incomplete uninstall, improper deletion of applications or hardware. It can also be caused if your computer is recovered from a virus or adware/spyware attack or by an improper shutdown of the computer. All the above actives may result in the deletion or corruption of the entries in the windows system files. This corrupted system file will lead to the missing and wrongly linked information and files needed for the proper working of the application.
A post was split to a new topic: Display issues after updating to B310
A post was merged into an existing topic: Display issues after updating to B310
Thanks Eric. I simply went to the Roon site and downloaded the latest version and re-installed again. Everything is fine now.
Thanks for the follow up @leftside, glad to hear things are now stable and working as expected.
Happy listening!