ROON Controller is having problems [Solved: Update to Build 970]

Yes, I have noticed this happening a few times. In my case thee core is Windows 11 & iPadOS remote. Hopefully there’s a fix coming with the next build which is due in the next few days.

Hi @Enrico_Castagnetti, @bill_perkins, @Bauer, @Patrick_Miller, @PixelPopper,

We’ve made the manual backend account change for you, so please restart both Roon and Roon Server two times on your Core device to download and implement the change. You can accomplish this easiest with two reboots.

I recommend you also reboot any Remotes before testing again. Please reach out if this doesn’t improve Remote behavior in the meantime.

The time has identified the issue and will be rolling out a fix shortly. I don’t have a precise ETA at this time but will follow up here once I have a firm date.


Hi Connor. How do I know if the changes to my account were made? I see the same build 952 showing in my Roon Core and Mac Studio. I will let you know tomorrow morning if the issues are gone.

The build level won’t change, changes are specific to our particular accounts/devices, build level will only change when further builds are issued.


@connor would you please be able to make the back-end changes on my account as well please. My experience since updating to the latest build is the Windows remote crashes constantly. iOS not as often (but it’s also a lot easier and faster to restart when it does) and the core needs a reboot or even restarts itself around every 12 hours of been used regularly playing music or adding music.


Also my account please - my issues are being flagged in Roon Controller constant crashing on Windows 11 Desktop: render area size changed unhandled selection type - #20 by danny2

Who doesn’t want theirs fixed? :rofl:


@Connor the backend account change did the trick. Roon client in my Mac Studio is working properly without need to restart this morning. The only issue I had was with TIDAL not signing up so I had to restart my Roon Server and then it’s working now.


Thanks Connor. I did the requisite two reboots, and it seems to have done the trick…

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To update everyone: the team has identified the issue and we’re busy implementing a permanent fix. I’ll provide the release date here once I have final details. Thank you again for working with us to pin this down, and we truly appreciate your patience.

@James_Gray, @Jamie_Tudor,

Thank you for reaching out. I’ll notify the team to make the change and ping you here when you’re ready for the 2x restart of Roon and Roon Server to implement the change (see here for instructions).

@James_Fitzell, are you experiencing these symptoms on your Remote as well? Not a problem to add you to the list, too.

@Bauer, @Enrico_Castagnetti, glad to hear the settings change has (mostly) resolved things for now. Please keep us posted if any issues return.


If there’s room for another person, I’d be grateful to be added to the list.


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I would like to get on this fix setting too please

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Please push this fix out to my Roon Nucleus unless a permanent fix will be released soon. Thanks.

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Can I just check whether this appears to be present (and therefore will be resolved) across multiple controller platforms? I’ve seen less mention of Android devices, but can confirm similar symptoms with at least one of mine since this build (Samsung S5e running Android 11 and One UI 3.1). Thanks!

Hi @dhusky,

We’ve encountered the issue across operating systems, although it manifests far less frequently on Android devices. The permanent solution, once rolled out, will be comprehensive and resolve the issue across all Remotes.

We’ll be implementing manual backend changes to relieve the behavior for users who have reported this since yesterday, so I will make your included on the list. We’ll follow up as soon as it’s implemented, in which case you’ll also need to proceed with the double Core reboot and a power cycle of your Remotes.


Thanks @connor - will be good to see if it fixes things for me. Interestingly two of my Android devices appear ok. However, they’re not in permanent sole use as controllers, so this may simply be down to more frequent restarts or briefer connection times mitigating the problem on them.

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Still having issues. Remotes sometimes stop displaying current album art and the time slider stops. More serious, lots of tracks stop playing in the middle. How can a local track, stored on the Roon core, load slowly?

One suggestion that would be really helpful: Roon’s error messages are not particularly indicative or specific about any error that occurs. Please, give error messages that help with troubleshooting. That change shouldn’t require debugging!

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@connor It’s hard to say if I’m having exactly the same issues, but certainly I’m having ongoing issues since 952 that are also affecting the remotes.

My Windows PC remotes (multiple PC’s) essentially hang at some stage in 15-30 minutes of listening and need quitting and re-opening. I’ve taken to starting playback and quitting the remote and it’s helped some.

My Android remotes (multiple devices) don’t hang, and are actually now remembering the “Album Title” sort order, but they get out of sync with what is actually playing. Again, I’ve taken to killing the remote process after starting playback.

My Roon server has been repeatedly crashing after ~1hr of playback ever since build 952. I haven’t noticed this happening in the last few days, since starting quitting the remotes, however I’ve also had a lot of interruptions in the last few days that mean I probably haven’t managed a straight hour of listening.

Hi Connor, thanks for keeping us updated on the fix. Question, did the back end fix apply to my posts as i was not listed, or should I wait for the official fix release? Thanks!

Hi everyone,

While I don’t yet have another status update for the permanent fix we’re implementing, we have made the manual account adjustments for those of you who have reported symptoms of this issue.

This backend change should relieve symptoms for the unresponsive remotes after you download it to your Core from our servers. To do so, please restart Roon and Roon Server two times on your Core devices (or simply reboot the Core twice). We suggest you also restart your Remotes for due diligence.

@James_Gray, @Jamie_Tudor, @Vincent_Kennedy, @wizardofoz, @Jim_F, @dhusky, @James_I, @James_Fitzell, @Ron_Horwitz: if you continue to have issues with the same remotes after the restarts, please report any symptoms here.

Thank you again for your patience, and we’ll provide more details on the permanent solutions as soon as they become available.