Thanks a lot!
and if they could introduce OR condition, it would be great!
I was hoping Smartplaylists would allow me to create a list of a favorite artist(s) and then as new tracks/albums become available on Qoboz (or Tidal) they would auto add to the list. This doesn’t appear to be an option with only the rather arcane list of ‘focus’ options available currently.
I get that Roon can’t ingest all of new info from Qobuz, et al, but a smartplaylist could act like a scraper for specific content that matches the criteria of the Smartplaylist.
The SPL interface is also far from intuitive for me, same for Focus and tags. Anyway, I continue to enjoy the music regardless.
Just wanted to pop on here and say that the addition of Smart Playlists has dramatically increased my enjoyment of my music collection! I have been curating my digital music collection for about 25 years now, and I have about 5,000 songs I have marked as “favorites” over the years. Since switching to Tidal and Roon 8 years ago, I had probably only been listening to about 1,000 or so of these songs. Now I can create Smart Playlists from genres and tags, then limit them to only songs I haven’t listened to in the last 3, 6, or 12 months. This keeps me from listening to the same songs over and over again and reminds me of those gems I haven’t heard in ages. I’m so thankful to finally have this feature!
Bug - focusing by performers does actually not bring out all the tracks/albums where someone is listed with credits, but only the tracks/albums with the artist being listed under “Primary Artist links” - which is complete nonsense. Please correct this, or change the heading for the focus at least.
And limit the songs. Like: max 2hours or 25 Tracks.
Or just give us the superior iTunes auto-playlist modal for gods sake, so that we don’t have to create dozens of SP which we have to manually update every time …
Hello Michael,
after experimenting with the smart lists, I have not found a solution to create a duet playlist.
I am looking for a way for Roon to find all titles in which different artists sing a duet.
Do you have any ideas?
With the new ‘listen later’ feature, would it be possible to make a smart playlist based upon albums and tracks you’ve put into ‘listen later’?
There isn’t a transport button I can see to allow me to play or shuffle everything within LL and a smart playlist would be a suitable alternative.
I have reported a bug that causes tracks from compilations to not be shown on the artist overview page (when a streaming service is enabled). I wonder if this is an indexing issue that might also cause the issue you are describing. I’ll tag @daniel to see if this might be related.
I’ve been having some frustrating issues with Smart Playlists in Roon. The feature feels quite underdeveloped, and I keep running into problems that make it difficult to rely on.
1. Smart Playlists Don’t Auto-Refresh
- When I add or remove tracks that should be included in a Smart Playlist, it doesn’t update automatically.
- The only workaround I’ve found is to go into the Smart Playlist filter, briefly add and remove a tag, and then the track count updates. This is really inconvenient.
2. Missing Tracks for No Apparent Reason
Some tracks that clearly have the required tags don’t show up in the Smart Playlist.
A specific example: I have a track tagged correctly, but it simply does not appear in the Smart Playlist that filters for that tag.
Strangely, the Smart Playlist filter panel shows 78 tracks should be included, but only 77 actually appear in the playlist.
- Even more confusing: When I filter for the same tag under “My Tracks,” the song appears normally! So the issue seems to be specific to Smart Playlists.
That said, I actually like some aspects of Smart Playlists and would love to see them improved rather than abandoned:
- Tagging is much more efficient compared to normal playlists. When sorting tracks, I can quickly select multiple tags within the same modal and even switch tags easily if I change my mind.
- With normal playlists, I’d have to manually go into the “wrong” playlist, find the track, remove it, and then add it to the “right” playlist—way more effort.
- Sorting order can be saved, which is a huge plus for Roon Remote and ARC, making Smart Playlists much more useful for organized listening.
Has anyone else experienced these issues with Smart Playlists? Is there a better way to refresh them, or maybe I’m missing something?
I’ve reported the missing tracks issue and Roon has been able to duplicate it.
Would be good to edit smart playlists from Roon Arc.