I have been facing this issue very frequently. It’s intermittent but frequent. Songs won’t play from tidal at all, will keep loading and sometimes show the popup that tidal media is loading slowly. I have both Tidal and Qobuz added to Roon. Qobuz never faces any issues. Tidal does. I have tried disabling and enabling Tidal. Disabling Qobuz. Clearing Cache and Restart the computer - this helps but the issue comes back again. Frustrating.
I think it happens for all endpoints. I cleared cache again and updated my OS a few days ago (I am running macos beta), and it’s been running fine for now seems like. I will post here if I encounter this issue again.
@Arkanath_Pathak, did you try to relogin into Tidal as described here?
Or maybe you have an ability to install Roon Core on a different hardware, Windows or Linux?
You may also read my story.
Yes I have tried disabling, removing and logging in before multiple times and the issue comes back soon. I don’t have any other server that I can use as a Roon Core. Also, I used Qobuz a lot before Tidal and never had issues with it (looks like you did in your case). Even now I have to disable Tidal and use Qobuz with no issues at all.
Tagging @support if they can provide some response and support here. There must be a way for the support to ask for some logs and figure out what’s wrong.
Thanks for tagging support and sorry about the trouble.
So we can take a closer look, are you able to access your database and zip up the Logs folder for us?
If you can zip up that folder and upload a copy of the logs to Dropbox, Google Drive or a similar service and post a link here? Please be sure to turn on “sharing by link”, instructions on how to do so for Dropbox can be found here and for Google Drive can be found here.
Hi @Arkanath_Pathak — If you see this start happening again, please note the exact local time + date when this issue next occurs (when using System Output) and the name of the track that was playing and upload your Roon Logs by using these instructions. The best way to get them over to me would be via Dropbox / Google Drive, but if you don’t have either service please let me know and I can provide alternate upload instructions.
Hi @dylan, this happened today now. It was 2.02PM pacific time, Aug 13th.
The song that was playing is Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels) by Arcade Fire.
I had paused the playback in the middle of the song while taking a call and when I clicked on resume it couldn’t play. Since I can’t play any song via Tidal. Tried playing Tidal mixes and they don’t work either. I can play songs from Qobuz just fine. Now I can disable and enable Tidal and it still doesn’t stream.
This happened when I was playing from Bluesound Node (I don’t use System Output to listen to music), I tried switching to system output but that doesn’t help.
I’m sorry for the long wait, @Arkanath_Pathak. In the logs, here’s what we are seeing:
08/13 14:09:58 Error: [seekableurimediafile] while determining length: System.IO.IOException: streaming media failed due to network
at Sooloos.Media.StreamingMediaFileImpl.get_Length () [0x00038] in <65830ad004844e2fa292fe4aba9de4c2>:0
at Sooloos.Media.StreamingMediaFile.get_Length () [0x00000] in <65830ad004844e2fa292fe4aba9de4c2>:0
at Sooloos.Media.CachingSeekableUriMediaFile.LengthCallback (System.IntPtr userdata, System.Int64& out_length) [0x00017] in <65830ad004844e2fa292fe4aba9de4c2>:0
08/13 14:09:58 Warn: [zoneplayer] Corrupt Media Detected
08/13 14:09:58 Info: [Desk BluNode] [zoneplayer] Open Result (Playing):Result[Status=CorruptMedia]
08/13 14:09:58 Warn: [streamingmediafile] [264] [http://sp-pr-cf.audio.tidal.com/mediatracks/CAEaKRInNmY5N2U5YjZkYzAxNjliNjQ0M2QzNmM2MTJmOGEwNmJfNjAubXA0/0.flac] [cachedbytes=0/-1] caching failed: System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out.
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.RunWithTimeoutWorker[T] (System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[TResult] workerTask, System.Int32 timeout, System.Action abort, System.Func`1[TResult] aborted, System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource cts) [0x000f8] in <f34012a0712d47c3928ecd2def984fcd>:0
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse (System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) [0x00020] in <f34012a0712d47c3928ecd2def984fcd>:0
at Sooloos.Media.StreamingMediaFileImpl+<>c__DisplayClass16_1.<_StartBuffering>b__1 (System.IAsyncResult resp_ar) [0x00002] in <65830ad004844e2fa292fe4aba9de4c2>:0 /
08/13 14:09:58 Error: [seekableurimediafile] while determining length: System.IO.IOException: streaming media failed due to network
at Sooloos.Media.StreamingMediaFileImpl.get_Length () [0x00038] in <65830ad004844e2fa292fe4aba9de4c2>:0
at Sooloos.Media.StreamingMediaFile.get_Length () [0x00000] in <65830ad004844e2fa292fe4aba9de4c2>:0
at Sooloos.Media.CachingSeekableUriMediaFile.LengthCallback (System.IntPtr userdata, System.Int64& out_length) [0x00017] in <65830ad004844e2fa292fe4aba9de4c2>:0
08/13 14:09:58 Warn: [zoneplayer] Corrupt Media Detected
Basically, it’s saying that when trying to play Tidal content, it’s not able to load fast enough due to the network. There are quite a few other network errors I’m seeing too, unrelated to Tidal playback.
We’ve noticed that some ISPs have started rolling out IPv6 support and know that this can cause issues — Maybe try disabling IPv6 on the router and see if that helps?
Hey @dylan, thanks for the response. I use the Google Nest WiFi router. IPv6 is in fact already disabled on the router, perhaps by default but I just checked and it’s not enabled. Any other ideas on what could be going wrong? And also, why does this only happen with Tidal and not Qobuz? And this doesn’t happen in Tidal’s app.