I have already asked for @support about this problem, and i know that it has already (in a way) been asked. but i have found no answer in the forum, so … i try to ask again.
it happens (actually, in great part of my library) that some albums have tracks that are not associated to any composition.
example (identified album):
as you see, track 8 has no “go to composition” button. it’s not the only one of the album, some have composition, some do not.
and if you go to the compositions list:
here, there is a composition “llorona”, but it’s not associated to the previous track, in fact:
… so no performances from previous album.
clearly, here a “llorona” composition exists: i would like at least to merge it to all corresponding tracks (i have more than previous track 8). but this is impossible, you cannot merge a composition with a non-existing composition.
and you cannot manually associate the track to an existing composition.
even more “funny”, if i un-identify the album, i get:
surprise! now track 8 is associated to the (correct) composition. moral: if you want to get some roon “magic”… you have to forget roon metadata, a paradox.
even worse, there are cases of tracks with no associated composition AND no corresponding composition in the library (id est, no performance associated in any way to a composition).
this bad behavior i have to say is restricted to non-classical music. as far as i can see, classical music is well behaving with respect to composition association (if files are well tagged)
anyway: this is not an isolated album. this is the RULE in all my library. and i’m sure this is the same for all users (well, i don’t know about tidal users… i am not one, maybe tidal helps).
i’d just like to know from the @staff if this problem is actually there (and not a strange unexpected misbehavior in my library) and if there is any chance that this BUG will be solved.