Ubuntu Roon server install tips

  1. Go into Roon backups.
  2. Select backups.
  3. Hit select location, Do you see your drive mounted? Where did you mount it?
  4. If you see the drive, select a location and select this folder.

If not, ensure your drive is mounted.

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ah ok, sorry . personally I perform this function via sw …

I have started ROON experience just last month with ROCK(MOCK as I installed not NUC machine) and I have enjoyed music with ROON these days. And I like to try ubuntu based ROON server to use devies used in mpd which was installed in this system.
I have unauthorized older ROCK machine and logout.
And can see new ubuntu(ubuntu Studio 18.04) machine on ROON controller screen, so I have tried to connect by “connect” button.
But ROON controller screen has shown “waiting for server” icon for long time.
This new machine could be used as ROON bridge once.
It is OK if I have lost all the back up of library and setup data on older ROCK.
But how can I use new server on ubuntu with fresh status?
What install and/or setting required for use of new ubuntu ROON Server?

[ I have disable all firewall parameters]

cifs-utils ffmpeg libasound* are installed properly.
all the firewall is OFF.And stop the ROON Server sevice and uninstall ROON Server and re-install by the shell script again.

When I enter into ROON comtroller on Windows 10

ufw status

Status: inactive
[Check the roon server status seemed OK??]

cat /etc/lsb-release


root@Xeon1604:~/roon# systemctl status roonserver

  • roonserver.service - RoonServer
    Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/roonserver.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
    Active: active (running) since Fri 2021-10-29 10:07:17 JST; 3min 25s ago
    Main PID: 3509 (start.sh)
    Tasks: 51 (limit: 4915)
    CGroup: /system.slice/roonserver.service
    |-3509 /bin/bash /opt/RoonServer/start.sh
    |-3514 /opt/RoonServer/RoonMono/bin/RoonServer --debug --gc=sgen --server RoonServer.exe
    |-3525 /opt/RoonServer/RoonMono/bin/RoonAppliance --debug --gc=sgen --server RoonAppliance.exe -watc
    |-3532 /opt/RoonServer/Server/processreaper 3525
    `-3568 /opt/RoonServer/RoonMono/bin/RAATServer --debug --gc=sgen --server RAATServer.exe

Oct 29 10:07:17 Xeon1604 systemd[1]: Started RoonServer.
Oct 29 10:07:17 Xeon1604 start.sh[3509]: 00:00:00.004 Warn: get lock file path: /tmp/.rnsgem0-
Oct 29 10:07:17 Xeon1604 start.sh[3509]: 00:00:00.155 Trace: [childprocess] using unix child process
Oct 29 10:07:18 Xeon1604 start.sh[3509]: Initializing
Oct 29 10:07:18 Xeon1604 start.sh[3509]: Started
Oct 29 10:07:19 Xeon1604 start.sh[3509]: aac_fixed decoder found, checking libavcodec version…
Oct 29 10:07:19 Xeon1604 start.sh[3509]: has mp3float: 1, aac_fixed: 1
Oct 29 10:07:23 Xeon1604 start.sh[3509]: Running

Is this a larger library? For me it takes about 7 to 8 minutes for 2.1 million titles with manjaro linux (arch)

Dear Martin, to start with thanks so much for the help here. The entire thread makes an enriching red.

I am totally new to Linux / Ubuntu and am trying to reuse an old windows laptop and have installed 22.04 LTS

I have tried the steps you provided here and have faced the following errors

could you please advise what I am doing wrong?

I’m not a Linux pro either. I have the Core running on my Lenovo with Zorin Linux Pro. But the last line suggests there are required files missing.

I’ve followed the https://help.roonlabs.com/portal/en/kb/articles/linux-install#Manual_Install to the letter.

I’ve had to manually install ffmpeg and cifs-utils. With sudo apt install ffmpeg and sudo apt install cifs-utils.

After that it was copying and pasting the listed commands into the Linux terminal.

Server started right away after that. And after a test reboot it started up together with Linux as well.

No Linux expert.

But take a look here:

Hi Greg, apologies but my understanding is that Roonserver needs to be downloaded via Terminal on Ubuntu. I downloaded the server application from the roon website, but unlike windows, it does not run when double clicked. I know I must sound like the newbie I am, and hence lost. If there was some way to get a step by step list to be performed, like the one by Martin would be best for someone who is using Linux for the first time

I think you will find that your downloaded file from curl is a error, rather than the roon install.

You can display it via ‘cat’.

Try replacing the ‘http’ with ‘https’ in the curl.

That could be it.

@Sanjeeb_Rose copy & paste the commands in the link I’ve provided. It lists the urls’s with https. Not http.

Select the link in your browser. CTRL+C. Then go to the terminal CTRL+SHIFT+V followed by Enter.

Thanks so much Greg and @SandsOfArrakis …it worked and I now have the server up and running :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Yaay, so excited !!


Houston, we have another problem. I rebooted the Ubuntu machine and Roon is not running.

what could be wrong? how do I start the server?

Did you copy/paste all the commands listed on the page I’ve provided? I believe the commands not only install the RoonServer on Linux, but it also sets it to automatically start when booting your Linux computer.

$ curl -O https://download.roonlabs.net/builds/roonserver-installer-linuxx64.sh
$ chmod +x roonserver-installer-linuxx64.sh
$ sudo ./roonserver-installer-linuxx64.sh

This is all I had to do to get Roon working. Next to having to manually install ffmpeg and cifs-utils.

I am not sure I recall if I did them all or just the 1st one. If I am redo, should I do all the 3 below or just the last 2

Last 2 probably. First one downloads the RoonServer, but that one is already downloaded and installed.

Assuming that you executed the install script, Roon server should be installed, set up and running. You can check the status by doing

andreas@symphony:~$ sudo systemctl status roonserver.service

That should give you an output similar to this:

● roonserver.service - RoonServer
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/roonserver.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Sat 2023-02-18 18:07:09 -05; 13h ago
   Main PID: 265263 (start.sh)
      Tasks: 122 (limit: 18910)
     Memory: 11.2G
        CPU: 1h 19min 20.630s
     CGroup: /system.slice/roonserver.service
             ├─265263 /bin/bash /opt/RoonServer/start.sh
             ├─265267 /opt/RoonServer/RoonDotnet/RoonServer RoonServer.dll
             ├─265290 /opt/RoonServer/RoonDotnet/RoonAppliance RoonAppliance.dll -watchdogport=46819
             ├─265294 /opt/RoonServer/Server/processreaper 265290
             └─265339 /opt/RoonServer/RoonDotnet/RAATServer RAATServer.dll

This will give you feedback about the server… according to the output, we can think about next steps to take.

this is what I am getting, should I say “y” to delete and reinstall?

This goes to show that the server is already installed. But at this stage you can safely go ahead and reinstall…

You’ve done nothing wrong! The script has moved…

cat roonserver-installer-linuxx64.sh                             ✔ 
<head><title>301 Moved Permanently</title></head>
<center><h1>301 Moved Permanently</h1></center>
<hr><center>nginx/1.22.0 (Ubuntu)</center>

So, for reference, the command should be revised, so redirects are followed:

curl -L http://download.roonlabs.com/builds/roonserver-installer-linuxx64.sh -o roonserver-installer-linuxx64.sh

okay, here is what came up