Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Linksys Velop Ethernet and WiFi
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
4 x Ropiee on RaspberryPi 3
Description Of Issue
The BBC has changed the way it distributes live radio online. If you listen to BBC live radio and hear the following message:
“The way your device receives BBC radio programmes will stop working on or after the 22nd March 2021. If you’re using an internet radio or smart speaker, please contact the device manufacturer. If you’re using an app on another device, we recommend you listen using the BBC Sounds app or website.”
please contact your device manufacturer and refer them to our blog post advising manufacturers of the change.
ROON live radio users who, like me, are getting that message. Please ask the ROON team to check out the BBC blog bellow:
And keep the access to our favourite stations available.
I don’t see the 320kbps stream at all Just the 128 and 96 kbps. I am using the MP3 128kbps and have been happily so until I started getting the hourly message broadcast on the hour by the BBC. The BBC says that if you don’t hear the message then the provider has already resolved the situation and is already using the BBC’s new servers and streams. I raised the alarm because I do get the message.
Hi Brian
Just heard the message again that “BBC Radio will stop working on 22 March” using the ROON supplied stream accessed using “my live radio”. Are the url’s contained in a file on my ROCK? In which case I probably need an update to refresh the list. Or do does my ROCK access your url list on your servers every time? Or maybe it’s just the list in “my live radio” that needs refreshing from ROON’s radio browser. What can you recommend?
I think you are right. I was probably using a legacy stream from the time before you introduced browsing.
Now I am trying your supplied stream.
I apologise for any trouble caused or time wasted, No message on the hour this time.