I have a Roon Rock on a mini PC and am trying to add an SSD located inside a HiFi Rose RS130 Streamer which stores my music files. I have enabled smb on the Rose with credentials. I can log into the SSD from my Mac with those credentials. The location of the SSD is smb:// but when I put this location in the Roon software to add Network Share it just hangs.
Looking in the HiFi Rose network settings it says the location of the SSD is 663E-786F. The IP address that I use in Finder to access the Rose SSD is Finder in Mac then shows a finder folder name of 663E-786F. In Finder the folder on the left hand side of the display is named: rose-8c.
In addition to smb:// I have also tried to use smb:// That doesn’t work either. I have enabled under file sharing in the Mac 663E-786F.
I want to make sure I understand “Share Name”. What exactly is it and how do I locate it?
to give you a little more information when in finder and I right click on the Rose SSD I see the permissions. When I try to enable “everyone” to modify the disk I get The operation can’t be completed because “663E-786F” is in use." so perhaps the needed permission isn’t there. how do I fix this?
This question has come up several times before. It is possible but not ideal as the data needs to travel from the Rose to the Roon Server and then back to the Rose.
See e.g. here for instructions and discussion, in no particular order: