- Make the 1st generation Devialet Phantom useful again. This unit was sitting in a box for years due to a lack of connectivity options for operating it with Roon.
- Fast, reliable access to a knob for volume control. Devialet has a wireless volume knob for the Phantom, but I’m not sure that knob works with this very old Phantom, and no one could give me a confirmation it does. I also see people on forums complaining that it is not reliable.
- An easy way to turn on/off the music
- A solution that is minimal, and fits the minimal white decor of the bedroom that it is going into.
- GitHub - RoonLabs/roon-extension-powermate
- GitHub - RoonLabs/roon-extension-devialet-phantom-volume: Roon extension to control Devialet Phantom's volume
- https://kb.roonlabs.com/RoonBridge
- Devialet Phantom
- Griffin Powermate USB Knob – this thing is hard to find nowadays. They have a Bluetooth version, but that’s not what I had around.
- Raspberry Pi 3 or 4
- IQaudIO Digi+ (it doesn’t look like they sell this anymore, but HiFiBerry has an equivalent)
Still to do:
- I will be 3D printing a case for the Raspberry Pi, polishing and painting it a glossy white, and making it fit seamlessly on the back of the Phantom.
- I have a Phantom Gold for my office, that I use with Airplay, but this solution turned out way better for SQ and zone grouping in my home.
- Get better at video editing – my sound is all over the place. Sorry!
Note that newer Phantoms are Roon Ready now natively, but this one is too old, so this still project still is relevant.