Roon 1.8 (Build 748/756/763/764) Feedback

PgUp / PgDown button works for faster vertical scrolling.

Aha success! If anyone else has the issue where the View More option doesn’t show on release date
make sure your library stretches over at least 6 or 7 decades :joy:


@Neill_Strickland Dark mode is in settings, general, theme

Very odd. Perhaps try rebooting your Core and iPad?

EDIT: Oops, slow typer. Glad you got it resolved. :grinning:

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There’s stuff I JUST DON’T GET. See picture below: names of the artists appears twice, second line being smaller. The first line is just text, the second one is clickable. Why does it appear twice? Why is only the second one clickable? Heck, why is it the smallest, more difficult to aim for, of the two that has the link? Is there really someone, somewhere, who thought any of this was a good idea?


I think it is just a display bug, no big deal.
I would not make a big thing out of it, sooner or later someone will fix it.


Thanks @Jim_F
That makes no sense from what I can see on my setup
 looks nothing like your image. I have a Nucleus and streams the display via Chromecast. I have an old style bland image.

Huh, seems you’re right, I don’t see this issue on other pages. Sorry, I guess I’m getting a bit angry with all the stuff I dislike with 1.8, this one was uncalled for.

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Seriously? If that’s your experience, I wouldn’t be happy either, but that’s not the experience I have with a minimum spec NUC. Scrolling is smooth, responsive and images populate quickly. It takes literally a second to scroll down the home page, click on Discover and see the new page populated.

Maybe you have an underpowered core, some sort of misconfiguation or a network problem? Post to Support for some assistance.

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mm hmm.

Not a fan of pithy Churchill quotes, I see.


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Must be a restriction of Chromecast.

It’s there 
 just grab the scrollbar and the letter or year is displayed so you can move quickly to a specific point.

I have same issue with Nucleus+ :woozy_face:
For the artist page it is a minute for discography 30s or error “not found”

Help! After seeming to work well for about a day I got Roon to hang (app marbled, title bar shows ‘Not Responding’) on Windows by clicking on a link to an artist, so I killed the app and now when I start it it loads saying ‘Loading artist
’ and then hangs. Is there a ‘safe mode’ that I can get it to forget where it was when it starts? I captured a dump file the first time it hung and can make that available if it would be useful.

No playlist info at the track level? - you just distroyed much of Roon’s usefulness. I want to play music I have selected, not have to wade through a bunch of stuff just to pay a track

To be fair, you still wouldn’t have a review or any more information displayed for that album with 1.7.

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Seek assistance by opening a thread in Support. Make sure you describe the issue using the following post for guidance.

Do you have any albums (release date) from the 1960s or earlier?

I feel like the database is missing an index or something. Whenever I filter My Artists with a tag that only shows 42 out of 607 artists it takes forever to load. On the order of 2-3 minutes.

Whereas if I use the same tag to filter the My Album view it shows 1527 of 3158 albums almost instantly.

Why would you think I said you were lying? I said it makes no sense with what I am seeing

Chromecast could be the issue.