If you’re having trouble using your PS Audio device with Roon, we are here to help.
First Confirm Your Firmware
Make sure you’re running the latest firmware.
You can confirm this on the version page of the display screen:
- DirectStream - Press the gear in the upper left hand corner of the screen.
At least: 1.8.8
- DirectStream jr - Cycle through the setup pages until you hit the version screen
At least: 94
- PerfectWave DAC - Go to the bridge setup page and it should show on the last line
- At least: 2.9.7
Please check with PS Audio for the latest version numbers.
Important: Have you restarted your PS Audio hardware recently? (If not, this is always a good place to start)
###Need Some Help?
If you’re running the right firmware version and still having an issue, just let us know the following:
Describe The Issue
If you’re having an issue getting your PS Audio device to work with Roon, let us know the details of what you’re expecting, and what’s gone wrong. Just click the New Topic button here in the PS Audio section and let us know
- What you’ve done so far
- What’s gone wrong
- Have you tried restarting?
###Describe Your Setup
Roon can run in many different configurations, so be sure to let us know:
- What version of Roon you are running (Settings > About; If you’re running Windows, please let us know whether you’re running 32bit or 64 bit)
- What operating system you are running (Windows 7; OSX 10.9; etc)
- Basic information about the device you’re using (MacBook Pro 2011 w 4gb of RAM; HP Envy laptop w i7; etc).
- What PS Audio hardware you’re running
- What firmware your PS Audio device is running (please let us know all four version numbers)
###Describe Your Network
Let us know the basics of your network. Be sure to include:
- What router are you using? When did you last update the firmware?
- Is there any other networking hardware involved?
- Is everything wired, wireless, or is there a mix of wired and wireless gear?
###Flag Our Support Team
We keep a close eye on the Roon Labs Community, but you can make sure our support team sees your issue by flagging us in your post.
Do this by including @Support when you describe your issue. Thanks!