Roon Core Machine
Synology 918+ NAS with DSM 6, 8 GB memory
Networking Gear & Setup Details
Spectrum Commercial internet 600/40 Mbs service
Mesh network with three Asus XT8 routers
NAS (Core) hardwired to Asus router box
Connected Audio Devices
Many Google Mini boxes and a Chromecast (video) and a CCA (House CCA)
Several computers running Bridge
iPads, phones, etc.
Number of Tracks in Library
Something like 1180 albums, 18,000 tracks
Description of Issue
Roon keeps stopping play. I play to a CCA (CCA House), from a local album ripped as FLAC (MJQ Last Concert) and it stops randomly after a while. Happened to me twice this evening playing one album while entertaining guests. Every time it stops, I see things in the log file like this. You’ll notice at the beginning of this snippet, “Summertime” is playing on the device “CCA House”, and at the end, that endpoint is STOPPED, through no use action.
05/04 18:20:32 Info:
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = HighQuality
Source Format=Flac 44100/16/2 BitRate=761 Quality=Lossless
UpgradeBitDepth FromBitsPerSample=16 ToBitsPerSample=64 Quality=Lossless
Truncate FromBitsPerSample=64 ToBitsPerSample=24 Quality=Lossless
Output OutputType=Cast Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=Chromecast Audio
DigitalVolume DisplayMode=value GainDb=0 Quality=HighQuality Value=attenuating
Output OutputType=Local_Other Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=
05/04 18:20:32 Debug: [easyhttp] [15916] POST to returned after 674 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:20:32 Debug: [easyhttp] [15917] POST to returned after 481 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:20:32 Info: [library/albumdetails] found 2 streaming service alternates
05/04 18:20:33 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/04 18:20:33 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/04 18:20:35 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/04 18:20:36 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:05/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:20:38 Debug: [easyhttp] [15918] POST to returned after 5704 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:20:41 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/04 18:20:41 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/04 18:20:41 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:09/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:20:43 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/04 18:20:43 Info: [stats] 23366mb Virtual, 1443mb Physical, 614mb Managed, 372 Handles, 79 Threads
05/04 18:20:46 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:15/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:20:49 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] GOT NONFINAL {"device": {"device_id": "{6D241B5E-CF73-4043-A85F-EF11D4670955}", "type": "asio", "name": "Topping USB Audio Device", "error_message": "DeviceOpenFailed", "config": {"unique_id": "54c7b5ad-527e-d621-1201-7ebde6ae0f45", "output": {"type": "asio", "device": "{6D241B5E-CF73-4043-A85F-EF11D4670955}", "dsd_mode": "native", "name": "Topping USB Audio Device"}, "external_config": {}}}, "status": "DeviceChanged"}
05/04 18:20:51 Debug: [easyhttp] [15919] POST to returned after 222 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:20:51 Trace: [devicemap] device map updated
05/04 18:20:52 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:20/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:20:57 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:25/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:20:58 Info: [stats] 23366mb Virtual, 1443mb Physical, 622mb Managed, 372 Handles, 79 Threads
05/04 18:21:02 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:30/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:07 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:35/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:07 Trace: [bits] myinfo: {"pushid":"broker/9a3ecccb-7f7c-41b4-aee2-a936f9cace1a","roon_auth_token":"641816f4-a72a-4ad3-9c07-42acddacf2ce","os":"Linux 4.4.59+","platform":"linuxx64","machineversion":100800936,"branch":"stable","appmodifier":"","appname":"RoonServer"}
05/04 18:21:07 Debug: [easyhttp] [15920] POST to,roon.internet_discovery.,roon.debug.,,roon.dsp.,roon.sood.?roon_auth_token=641816f4-a72a-4ad3-9c07-42acddacf2ce returned after 327 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:21:07 Trace: [bits] updated bits, in 333ms
05/04 18:21:11 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/04 18:21:11 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/04 18:21:12 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:40/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:13 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/04 18:21:13 Info: [stats] 23374mb Virtual, 1443mb Physical, 651mb Managed, 372 Handles, 84 Threads
05/04 18:21:17 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:45/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:21 Debug: [easyhttp] [15930] POST to returned after 213 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:21:21 Trace: [devicemap] device map updated
05/04 18:21:22 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:50/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:23 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/04 18:21:23 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/04 18:21:25 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/04 18:21:27 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:55/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:28 Info: [stats] 23374mb Virtual, 1443mb Physical, 656mb Managed, 372 Handles, 84 Threads
05/04 18:21:32 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:00/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:33 Debug: [easyhttp] [15932] POST to returned after 215 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:21:33 Trace: [devicemap] device map updated
05/04 18:21:37 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:06/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:41 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/04 18:21:41 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/04 18:21:43 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:11/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:43 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/04 18:21:43 Info: [stats] 23366mb Virtual, 1443mb Physical, 682mb Managed, 372 Handles, 81 Threads
05/04 18:21:48 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:16/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:49 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] GOT NONFINAL {"device": {"device_id": "{6D241B5E-CF73-4043-A85F-EF11D4670955}", "type": "asio", "name": "Topping USB Audio Device", "error_message": "DeviceOpenFailed", "config": {"unique_id": "54c7b5ad-527e-d621-1201-7ebde6ae0f45", "output": {"type": "asio", "device": "{6D241B5E-CF73-4043-A85F-EF11D4670955}", "dsd_mode": "native", "name": "Topping USB Audio Device"}, "external_config": {}}}, "status": "DeviceChanged"}
05/04 18:21:53 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:21/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:54 Debug: [easyhttp] [15933] POST to returned after 299 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:21:54 Trace: [devicemap] device map updated
05/04 18:21:58 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:26/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:58 Info: [stats] 23366mb Virtual, 1443mb Physical, 694mb Managed, 372 Handles, 81 Threads
05/04 18:22:01 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/04 18:22:01 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/04 18:22:03 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/04 18:22:03 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:31/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:22:06 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/04 18:22:06 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/04 18:22:08 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:36/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:22:08 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/04 18:22:11 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/04 18:22:11 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/04 18:22:13 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/04 18:22:13 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:41/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:22:13 Info: [stats] 23366mb Virtual, 1443mb Physical, 690mb Managed, 372 Handles, 83 Threads
05/04 18:22:18 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:46/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:22:21 Debug: [easyhttp] [15934] POST to returned after 267 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:22:21 Trace: [devicemap] device map updated
05/04 18:22:23 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:51/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:22:28 Info: [stats] 23366mb Virtual, 1443mb Physical, 692mb Managed, 372 Handles, 83 Threads
05/04 18:22:28 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:56/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:22:33 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 2:02/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:22:39 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 2:07/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:22:41 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/04 18:22:41 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/04 18:22:43 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/04 18:22:43 Info: [stats] 23358mb Virtual, 1443mb Physical, 692mb Managed, 372 Handles, 81 Threads
05/04 18:22:44 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 2:12/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:22:49 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] GOT NONFINAL {"device": {"device_id": "{6D241B5E-CF73-4043-A85F-EF11D4670955}", "type": "asio", "name": "Topping USB Audio Device", "error_message": "DeviceOpenFailed", "config": {"unique_id": "54c7b5ad-527e-d621-1201-7ebde6ae0f45", "output": {"type": "asio", "device": "{6D241B5E-CF73-4043-A85F-EF11D4670955}", "dsd_mode": "native", "name": "Topping USB Audio Device"}, "external_config": {}}}, "status": "DeviceChanged"}
05/04 18:22:50 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 2:15/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:22:50 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/04 18:22:53 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Living Room TV was playing? False
05/04 18:22:53 Trace: [zone Living Room TV] Suspend
05/04 18:22:53 Info: [zone Living Room TV] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:53 Info: [zone Living Room TV] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:53 Trace: [transport/zonedisplay] [Chromecast-2314f5ab2ee83dcebe81207a0de1f25f._googlecast._tcp.local] un-associated endpoint
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Kitchen Mini was playing? False
05/04 18:22:54 Trace: [zone Kitchen Mini] Suspend
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [zone Kitchen Mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [zone Kitchen Mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Basement speaker was playing? False
05/04 18:22:54 Trace: [zone Basement speaker] Suspend
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [zone Basement speaker] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [zone Basement speaker] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Library mini was playing? False
05/04 18:22:54 Trace: [zone Library mini] Suspend
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [zone Library mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [zone Library mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [transport] destroyed zone House group was playing? False
05/04 18:22:54 Trace: [zone House group] Suspend
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [zone House group] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [zone House group] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:55 Info: [transport/zonedisplay] Zone display unregistered: Chromecast
05/04 18:22:55 Info: [cast] lost device Chromecast because it disconnected
05/04 18:22:56 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 2:15/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:22:56 Info: [cast] lost device Google Home Mini because it disconnected
05/04 18:22:56 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Kitchen mini was playing? False
05/04 18:22:56 Trace: [zone Kitchen mini] Suspend
05/04 18:22:56 Info: [zone Kitchen mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:56 Info: [zone Kitchen mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:56 Info: [cast] lost device Google Home Mini because it disconnected
05/04 18:22:56 Info: [cast] lost device Google Home Mini because it disconnected
05/04 18:22:56 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [transport] destroyed zone CCA House was playing? True
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [zone CCA House] Suspend
05/04 18:22:57 Info:
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = HighQuality
Source Format=Flac 44100/16/2 BitRate=761 Quality=Lossless
UpgradeBitDepth FromBitsPerSample=16 ToBitsPerSample=64 Quality=Lossless
Truncate FromBitsPerSample=64 ToBitsPerSample=24 Quality=Lossless
Output OutputType=Cast Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=Chromecast Audio
DigitalVolume DisplayMode=value GainDb=0 Quality=HighQuality Value=attenuating
Output OutputType=Local_Other Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [zone CCA House] OnPlayFeedback Stopped
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [zone CCA House] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [zone CCA House] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream] All streams were disposed
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [library] recorded play for profile 96698021-f515-4cf5-8fad-93281dc39edf: mediaid=50:1:5e231b4e-84be-4002-9ba8-37c28374e686 metadataid=123:0:MT0010763608 contentid= libraryid=50:1:5e231b4e-84be-4002-9ba8-37c28374e686 isfromradio=False isfrommix=False isfrommobile=
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer] All streams were disposed
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [library] finished with 114 dirty tracks 9 dirty albums 28 dirty performers 32 dirty works 51 dirty performances 0 clumping tracks, 0 clumping auxfiles 0 compute tracks, 0 deleted tracks, 0 tracks to (re)load, 0 tracks to retain, 0 auxfiles to (re)load, 0 auxfiles to retain, and 121 changed objects
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [cast/httpresponder] [/1ffb5d67de614b14a4d2e94adf959109] delete flac encoder
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [library/albumdetails] found 2 ingroup alternates, 0 other alternates
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [remoting/serverconnectionv1] Client disconnected:
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [music/searchindex] removed: 2 albums, 1 tracks, 0 works, 1 performers, 0 labels, 0 genres
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [music/searchindex] added: 2 albums, 1 tracks, 0 works, 1 performers, 0 labels, 0 genres
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 12 ms (cumulative 282897624 bytes, 133249 ops in 143977 ms)
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [library] endmutation in 198ms
05/04 18:22:57 Debug: [easyhttp] [15936] POST to returned after 209 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:22:57 Debug: [easyhttp] [15938] POST to returned after 230 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:22:57 Debug: [easyhttp] [15939] POST to returned after 230 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:22:57 Debug: [easyhttp] [15940] POST to returned after 251 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:22:57 Debug: [easyhttp] [15937] POST to returned after 252 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [remoting/serverconnectionv1] Client connected:
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [raat] [sood] Refreshing device list
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [raatserver] [sood] Refreshing device list
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [cast] discovered Google Home Mini
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [cast] discovered Google Home Mini
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [cast] discovered Chromecast
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [cast] discovered Google Home Mini
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [remoting/remotingserverv1] SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.ConnectResponse={ BrokerId=9a3ecccb-7f7c-41b4-aee2-a936f9cace1a BrokerName='wolfe' }
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [remoting/remotingserverv1] SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.UpdatesChangedResponse={ IsSupported=True WasJustUpdated=False Status='UpToDate' HasChangeLog=False CurrentVersion={ MachineValue=100800936 DisplayValue='1.8 (build 936) stable' Branch='stable' } }
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for cast device 23:1:84edd04b-1ea5-f82e-1487-d6e1eff1384f
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [dspengine] created new dsp config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":false},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false}]}
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [zone Kitchen Mini] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_16014bd0ed84a51e2ef81487d6e1eff1384f.db
05/04 18:22:58 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Kitchen Mini] Suspend
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [zone Kitchen Mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] created zone Kitchen Mini
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] with endpoint Google Home Mini (23:1:84edd04b-1ea5-f82e-1487-d6e1eff1384f) [IsAvailable=True]
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [Kitchen Mini] [Inactive] [STOPPED @ 0:00]
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for cast device 23:1:ac6e8082-c524-be25-6a36-e33e369ae095
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [dspengine] created new dsp config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":false},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false}]}
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport/zonedisplay] Zone display registered: Chromecast
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Living Room TV] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_160182806eac24c525be6a36e33e369ae095.db
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Living Room TV] Suspend
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [zone Living Room TV] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] created zone Living Room TV
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] with endpoint Chromecast (23:1:ac6e8082-c524-be25-6a36-e33e369ae095) [IsAvailable=True]
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [Living Room TV] [Inactive] [STOPPED @ 0:00]
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [transport/zonedisplay] [Chromecast-2314f5ab2ee83dcebe81207a0de1f25f._googlecast._tcp.local] auto-associated with endpoint Chromecast (23:1:ac6e8082-c524-be25-6a36-e33e369ae095) [IsAvailable=True]
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for cast device 23:1:d359a959-7825-2f72-9750-7198bb6a5a60
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [dspengine] created new dsp config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":false},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false}]}
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone House group] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_160159a959d32578722f97507198bb6a5a60.db
05/04 18:22:58 Debug: [easyhttp] [15942] GET to returned after 213 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone House group] Suspend
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [zone House group] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] created zone House group
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] with endpoint Google Cast Group (23:1:d359a959-7825-2f72-9750-7198bb6a5a60) [IsAvailable=True]
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [House group] [Inactive] [STOPPED @ 0:00]
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for cast device 23:1:3f95b722-93d4-9fe3-e653-7e8780ebd05b
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [dspengine] created new dsp config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":false},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false}]}
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Basement speaker] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_160122b7953fd493e39fe6537e8780ebd05b.db
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Basement speaker] Suspend
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [zone Basement speaker] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] created zone Basement speaker
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] with endpoint Google Home Mini (23:1:3f95b722-93d4-9fe3-e653-7e8780ebd05b) [IsAvailable=True]
05/04 18:22:58 Debug: [easyhttp] [15941] POST to returned after 651 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Kitchen Mini] Loaded Queue=113 Tracks Swim=Inactive AutoSwim=False Loop=Disabled Shuffle=False
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [Kitchen Mini] [Inactive] [PAUSED @ 0:12/14:55] My Funny Valentine - Miles Davis / Richard Rodgers / Lorenz Hart
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for cast device 23:1:189076eb-e04a-9c59-2850-5d93c4c8b189
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [dspengine] loaded DSP config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":false,"bands":[{"type":"low_shelf","frequency":98,"gain_db":-4.2,"q":1,"is_enabled":false},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":200,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":1000,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":2000,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"high_shelf","frequency":6000,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"high_pass","frequency":20,"order":1,"is_enabled":false},{"type":"low_pass","frequency":20000,"order":1,"is_enabled":false}],"gain_db":0,"y_axis_min_db":-24,"y_axis_max_db":12},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false}],"headroom_adjustment":{"type":"headroom_adjustment"},"sample_rate_conversion":{"type":"sample_rate_conversion"}}
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Library mini] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_1601eb7690184ae0599c28505d93c4c8b189.db
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Library mini] Suspend
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [zone Library mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] created zone Library mini
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] with endpoint Google Home Mini (23:1:189076eb-e04a-9c59-2850-5d93c4c8b189) [IsAvailable=True]
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Living Room TV] Loaded Queue=19 Tracks Swim=Inactive AutoSwim=True Loop=Disabled Shuffle=False
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [Living Room TV] [Inactive] [PAUSED @ 0:35/2:27] Wonder Boy - Arthur Russell
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [cast] lost device Google Home Mini because it disconnected
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone House group] Loaded Queue=128 Tracks Swim=Inactive AutoSwim=False Loop=Disabled Shuffle=False
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [House group] [Inactive] [PAUSED @ 2:46/3:12] Don't Touch Me - Jeannie Seely
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Basement speaker] Loaded Queue=6 Tracks Swim=Inactive AutoSwim=False Loop=Disabled Shuffle=False
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Library mini] Loaded Queue=165 Tracks Swim=Inactive AutoSwim=False Loop=Disabled Shuffle=False
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [cast] discovered Google Home Mini
05/04 18:22:58 Debug: [easyhttp] [15943] GET to returned after 321 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [stats] 23384mb Virtual, 1443mb Physical, 709mb Managed, 360 Handles, 85 Threads
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for cast device 23:1:5048b37e-2a07-3414-ee03-99952032f245
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [dspengine] loaded DSP config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":false},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false},{"type":"peq","enabled":true,"show_all_channels":false,"filters":[{"type":"remix","enabled":true},{"type":"mute","enabled":true,"channels":[0,1]}]}],"headroom_adjustment":{"type":"headroom_adjustment"},"sample_rate_conversion":{"type":"sample_rate_conversion"},"speaker_setup":{"type":"speaker_setup"}}
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Kitchen mini] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_16017eb34850072a1434ee0399952032f245.db
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Kitchen mini] Suspend
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [zone Kitchen mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] created zone Kitchen mini
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] with endpoint Google Home Mini (23:1:5048b37e-2a07-3414-ee03-99952032f245) [IsAvailable=True]
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Kitchen mini] Loaded Queue=10 Tracks Swim=Inactive AutoSwim=False Loop=Disabled Shuffle=False
05/04 18:22:59 Info: [cast] lost device Chromecast Audio because it disconnected
05/04 18:22:59 Info: [cast] discovered Chromecast Audio
05/04 18:22:59 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for cast device 23:1:9331d93a-6c08-2f9d-547d-527e8ad6c691
05/04 18:22:59 Trace: [dspengine] loaded DSP config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":true,"bands":[{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":51,"gain_db":-3.7,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":352.113442378502,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":1000,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":4000,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":8000,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true}],"gain_db":0,"y_axis_min_db":-24,"y_axis_max_db":12},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false},{"type":"speaker_setup"}],"headroom_adjustment":{"type":"headroom_adjustment","enable_clipping_indicator":true},"sample_rate_conversion":{"type":"sample_rate_conversion"}}
05/04 18:22:59 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency
05/04 18:22:59 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/04 18:22:59 Trace: [zone CCA House] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_16013ad93193086c9d2f547d527e8ad6c691.db
05/04 18:23:00 Trace: [zone CCA House] Suspend
05/04 18:23:00 Info: [zone CCA House] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:23:00 Info: [transport] created zone CCA House
05/04 18:23:00 Info: [transport] with endpoint Chromecast Audio (23:1:9331d93a-6c08-2f9d-547d-527e8ad6c691) [IsAvailable=True]
05/04 18:23:00 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [STOPPED @ 0:00]
05/04 18:23:00 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/04 18:23:00 Trace: [zone CCA House] Loaded Queue=1535 Tracks Swim=Inactive AutoSwim=False Loop=Loop Shuffle=False
05/04 18:23:00 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PAUSED @ 2:15/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin