Roon stops playing when any endpoint (not in use) disconnects

Roon Core Machine

Synology 918+ NAS with DSM 6, 8 GB memory

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Spectrum Commercial internet 600/40 Mbs service
Mesh network with three Asus XT8 routers
NAS (Core) hardwired to Asus router box

Connected Audio Devices

Many Google Mini boxes and a Chromecast (video) and a CCA (House CCA)
Several computers running Bridge
iPads, phones, etc.

Number of Tracks in Library

Something like 1180 albums, 18,000 tracks

Description of Issue

Roon keeps stopping play. I play to a CCA (CCA House), from a local album ripped as FLAC (MJQ Last Concert) and it stops randomly after a while. Happened to me twice this evening playing one album while entertaining guests. Every time it stops, I see things in the log file like this. You’ll notice at the beginning of this snippet, “Summertime” is playing on the device “CCA House”, and at the end, that endpoint is STOPPED, through no use action.

05/04 18:20:32 Info: 
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = HighQuality
    Source Format=Flac 44100/16/2 BitRate=761 Quality=Lossless
    UpgradeBitDepth FromBitsPerSample=16 ToBitsPerSample=64 Quality=Lossless
    Truncate FromBitsPerSample=64 ToBitsPerSample=24 Quality=Lossless
    Output OutputType=Cast Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=Chromecast Audio
    DigitalVolume DisplayMode=value GainDb=0 Quality=HighQuality Value=attenuating
    Output OutputType=Local_Other Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=
05/04 18:20:32 Debug: [easyhttp] [15916] POST to returned after 674 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:20:32 Debug: [easyhttp] [15917] POST to returned after 481 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:20:32 Info: [library/albumdetails] found 2 streaming service alternates
05/04 18:20:33 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/04 18:20:33 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/04 18:20:35 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/04 18:20:36 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:05/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:20:38 Debug: [easyhttp] [15918] POST to returned after 5704 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:20:41 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/04 18:20:41 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/04 18:20:41 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:09/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:20:43 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/04 18:20:43 Info: [stats] 23366mb Virtual, 1443mb Physical, 614mb Managed, 372 Handles, 79 Threads
05/04 18:20:46 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:15/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:20:49 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] GOT NONFINAL {"device": {"device_id": "{6D241B5E-CF73-4043-A85F-EF11D4670955}", "type": "asio", "name": "Topping USB Audio Device", "error_message": "DeviceOpenFailed", "config": {"unique_id": "54c7b5ad-527e-d621-1201-7ebde6ae0f45", "output": {"type": "asio", "device": "{6D241B5E-CF73-4043-A85F-EF11D4670955}", "dsd_mode": "native", "name": "Topping USB Audio Device"}, "external_config": {}}}, "status": "DeviceChanged"}
05/04 18:20:51 Debug: [easyhttp] [15919] POST to returned after 222 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:20:51 Trace: [devicemap] device map updated
05/04 18:20:52 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:20/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:20:57 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:25/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:20:58 Info: [stats] 23366mb Virtual, 1443mb Physical, 622mb Managed, 372 Handles, 79 Threads
05/04 18:21:02 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:30/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:07 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:35/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:07 Trace: [bits] myinfo: {"pushid":"broker/9a3ecccb-7f7c-41b4-aee2-a936f9cace1a","roon_auth_token":"641816f4-a72a-4ad3-9c07-42acddacf2ce","os":"Linux 4.4.59+","platform":"linuxx64","machineversion":100800936,"branch":"stable","appmodifier":"","appname":"RoonServer"}
05/04 18:21:07 Debug: [easyhttp] [15920] POST to,roon.internet_discovery.,roon.debug.,,roon.dsp.,roon.sood.?roon_auth_token=641816f4-a72a-4ad3-9c07-42acddacf2ce returned after 327 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:21:07 Trace: [bits] updated bits, in 333ms
05/04 18:21:11 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/04 18:21:11 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/04 18:21:12 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:40/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:13 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/04 18:21:13 Info: [stats] 23374mb Virtual, 1443mb Physical, 651mb Managed, 372 Handles, 84 Threads
05/04 18:21:17 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:45/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:21 Debug: [easyhttp] [15930] POST to returned after 213 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:21:21 Trace: [devicemap] device map updated
05/04 18:21:22 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:50/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:23 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/04 18:21:23 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/04 18:21:25 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/04 18:21:27 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:55/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:28 Info: [stats] 23374mb Virtual, 1443mb Physical, 656mb Managed, 372 Handles, 84 Threads
05/04 18:21:32 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:00/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:33 Debug: [easyhttp] [15932] POST to returned after 215 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:21:33 Trace: [devicemap] device map updated
05/04 18:21:37 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:06/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:41 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/04 18:21:41 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/04 18:21:43 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:11/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:43 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/04 18:21:43 Info: [stats] 23366mb Virtual, 1443mb Physical, 682mb Managed, 372 Handles, 81 Threads
05/04 18:21:48 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:16/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:49 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] GOT NONFINAL {"device": {"device_id": "{6D241B5E-CF73-4043-A85F-EF11D4670955}", "type": "asio", "name": "Topping USB Audio Device", "error_message": "DeviceOpenFailed", "config": {"unique_id": "54c7b5ad-527e-d621-1201-7ebde6ae0f45", "output": {"type": "asio", "device": "{6D241B5E-CF73-4043-A85F-EF11D4670955}", "dsd_mode": "native", "name": "Topping USB Audio Device"}, "external_config": {}}}, "status": "DeviceChanged"}
05/04 18:21:53 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:21/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:54 Debug: [easyhttp] [15933] POST to returned after 299 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:21:54 Trace: [devicemap] device map updated
05/04 18:21:58 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:26/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:21:58 Info: [stats] 23366mb Virtual, 1443mb Physical, 694mb Managed, 372 Handles, 81 Threads
05/04 18:22:01 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/04 18:22:01 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/04 18:22:03 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/04 18:22:03 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:31/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:22:06 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/04 18:22:06 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/04 18:22:08 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:36/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:22:08 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/04 18:22:11 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/04 18:22:11 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/04 18:22:13 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/04 18:22:13 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:41/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:22:13 Info: [stats] 23366mb Virtual, 1443mb Physical, 690mb Managed, 372 Handles, 83 Threads
05/04 18:22:18 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:46/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:22:21 Debug: [easyhttp] [15934] POST to returned after 267 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:22:21 Trace: [devicemap] device map updated
05/04 18:22:23 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:51/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:22:28 Info: [stats] 23366mb Virtual, 1443mb Physical, 692mb Managed, 372 Handles, 83 Threads
05/04 18:22:28 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:56/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:22:33 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 2:02/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:22:39 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 2:07/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:22:41 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/04 18:22:41 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/04 18:22:43 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/04 18:22:43 Info: [stats] 23358mb Virtual, 1443mb Physical, 692mb Managed, 372 Handles, 81 Threads
05/04 18:22:44 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 2:12/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:22:49 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] GOT NONFINAL {"device": {"device_id": "{6D241B5E-CF73-4043-A85F-EF11D4670955}", "type": "asio", "name": "Topping USB Audio Device", "error_message": "DeviceOpenFailed", "config": {"unique_id": "54c7b5ad-527e-d621-1201-7ebde6ae0f45", "output": {"type": "asio", "device": "{6D241B5E-CF73-4043-A85F-EF11D4670955}", "dsd_mode": "native", "name": "Topping USB Audio Device"}, "external_config": {}}}, "status": "DeviceChanged"}
05/04 18:22:50 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 2:15/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:22:50 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/04 18:22:53 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Living Room TV was playing? False
05/04 18:22:53 Trace: [zone Living Room TV] Suspend
05/04 18:22:53 Info: [zone Living Room TV] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:53 Info: [zone Living Room TV] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:53 Trace: [transport/zonedisplay] [Chromecast-2314f5ab2ee83dcebe81207a0de1f25f._googlecast._tcp.local] un-associated endpoint
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Kitchen Mini was playing? False
05/04 18:22:54 Trace: [zone Kitchen Mini] Suspend
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [zone Kitchen Mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [zone Kitchen Mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Basement speaker was playing? False
05/04 18:22:54 Trace: [zone Basement speaker] Suspend
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [zone Basement speaker] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [zone Basement speaker] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Library mini was playing? False
05/04 18:22:54 Trace: [zone Library mini] Suspend
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [zone Library mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [zone Library mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [transport] destroyed zone House group was playing? False
05/04 18:22:54 Trace: [zone House group] Suspend
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [zone House group] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:54 Info: [zone House group] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:55 Info: [transport/zonedisplay] Zone display unregistered: Chromecast
05/04 18:22:55 Info: [cast] lost device Chromecast because it disconnected
05/04 18:22:56 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 2:15/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin
05/04 18:22:56 Info: [cast] lost device Google Home Mini because it disconnected
05/04 18:22:56 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Kitchen mini was playing? False
05/04 18:22:56 Trace: [zone Kitchen mini] Suspend
05/04 18:22:56 Info: [zone Kitchen mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:56 Info: [zone Kitchen mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:56 Info: [cast] lost device Google Home Mini because it disconnected
05/04 18:22:56 Info: [cast] lost device Google Home Mini because it disconnected
05/04 18:22:56 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [transport] destroyed zone CCA House was playing? True
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [zone CCA House] Suspend
05/04 18:22:57 Info: 
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = HighQuality
    Source Format=Flac 44100/16/2 BitRate=761 Quality=Lossless
    UpgradeBitDepth FromBitsPerSample=16 ToBitsPerSample=64 Quality=Lossless
    Truncate FromBitsPerSample=64 ToBitsPerSample=24 Quality=Lossless
    Output OutputType=Cast Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=Chromecast Audio
    DigitalVolume DisplayMode=value GainDb=0 Quality=HighQuality Value=attenuating
    Output OutputType=Local_Other Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [zone CCA House] OnPlayFeedback Stopped
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [zone CCA House] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [zone CCA House] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream] All streams were disposed
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [library] recorded play for profile 96698021-f515-4cf5-8fad-93281dc39edf: mediaid=50:1:5e231b4e-84be-4002-9ba8-37c28374e686 metadataid=123:0:MT0010763608 contentid= libraryid=50:1:5e231b4e-84be-4002-9ba8-37c28374e686 isfromradio=False isfrommix=False isfrommobile=
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer] All streams were disposed
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [library] finished with 114 dirty tracks 9 dirty albums 28 dirty performers 32 dirty works 51 dirty performances 0 clumping tracks, 0 clumping auxfiles 0 compute tracks, 0 deleted tracks, 0 tracks to (re)load, 0 tracks to retain, 0 auxfiles to (re)load, 0 auxfiles to retain, and 121 changed objects
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [cast/httpresponder] [/1ffb5d67de614b14a4d2e94adf959109] delete flac encoder
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [library/albumdetails] found 2 ingroup alternates, 0 other alternates
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [remoting/serverconnectionv1] Client disconnected:
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [music/searchindex]  removed: 2 albums, 1 tracks, 0 works, 1 performers, 0 labels, 0 genres
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [music/searchindex]  added: 2 albums, 1 tracks, 0 works, 1 performers, 0 labels, 0 genres
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 12 ms (cumulative 282897624 bytes, 133249 ops in 143977 ms)
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [library] endmutation in 198ms
05/04 18:22:57 Debug: [easyhttp] [15936] POST to returned after 209 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:22:57 Debug: [easyhttp] [15938] POST to returned after 230 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:22:57 Debug: [easyhttp] [15939] POST to returned after 230 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:22:57 Debug: [easyhttp] [15940] POST to returned after 251 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:22:57 Debug: [easyhttp] [15937] POST to returned after 252 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [remoting/serverconnectionv1] Client connected:
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [raat] [sood] Refreshing device list
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [raatserver] [sood] Refreshing device list
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [cast] discovered Google Home Mini
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [cast] discovered Google Home Mini
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [cast] discovered Chromecast
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [cast] discovered Google Home Mini
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [remoting/remotingserverv1] SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.ConnectResponse={ BrokerId=9a3ecccb-7f7c-41b4-aee2-a936f9cace1a BrokerName='wolfe' }
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [remoting/remotingserverv1] SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.UpdatesChangedResponse={ IsSupported=True WasJustUpdated=False Status='UpToDate' HasChangeLog=False CurrentVersion={ MachineValue=100800936 DisplayValue='1.8 (build 936) stable' Branch='stable' } }
05/04 18:22:57 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for cast device 23:1:84edd04b-1ea5-f82e-1487-d6e1eff1384f
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [dspengine] created new dsp config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":false},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false}]}
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency 
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/04 18:22:57 Trace: [zone Kitchen Mini] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_16014bd0ed84a51e2ef81487d6e1eff1384f.db
05/04 18:22:58 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Kitchen Mini] Suspend
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [zone Kitchen Mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] created zone Kitchen Mini
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport]     with endpoint Google Home Mini (23:1:84edd04b-1ea5-f82e-1487-d6e1eff1384f) [IsAvailable=True]
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [Kitchen Mini] [Inactive] [STOPPED @ 0:00] 
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for cast device 23:1:ac6e8082-c524-be25-6a36-e33e369ae095
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [dspengine] created new dsp config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":false},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false}]}
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency 
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport/zonedisplay] Zone display registered: Chromecast
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Living Room TV] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_160182806eac24c525be6a36e33e369ae095.db
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Living Room TV] Suspend
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [zone Living Room TV] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] created zone Living Room TV
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport]     with endpoint Chromecast (23:1:ac6e8082-c524-be25-6a36-e33e369ae095) [IsAvailable=True]
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [Living Room TV] [Inactive] [STOPPED @ 0:00] 
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [transport/zonedisplay] [Chromecast-2314f5ab2ee83dcebe81207a0de1f25f._googlecast._tcp.local] auto-associated with endpoint Chromecast (23:1:ac6e8082-c524-be25-6a36-e33e369ae095) [IsAvailable=True]
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for cast device 23:1:d359a959-7825-2f72-9750-7198bb6a5a60
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [dspengine] created new dsp config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":false},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false}]}
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency 
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone House group] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_160159a959d32578722f97507198bb6a5a60.db
05/04 18:22:58 Debug: [easyhttp] [15942] GET to returned after 213 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone House group] Suspend
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [zone House group] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] created zone House group
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport]     with endpoint Google Cast Group (23:1:d359a959-7825-2f72-9750-7198bb6a5a60) [IsAvailable=True]
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [House group] [Inactive] [STOPPED @ 0:00] 
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for cast device 23:1:3f95b722-93d4-9fe3-e653-7e8780ebd05b
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [dspengine] created new dsp config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":false},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false}]}
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency 
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Basement speaker] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_160122b7953fd493e39fe6537e8780ebd05b.db
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Basement speaker] Suspend
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [zone Basement speaker] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] created zone Basement speaker
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport]     with endpoint Google Home Mini (23:1:3f95b722-93d4-9fe3-e653-7e8780ebd05b) [IsAvailable=True]
05/04 18:22:58 Debug: [easyhttp] [15941] POST to returned after 651 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Kitchen Mini] Loaded Queue=113 Tracks Swim=Inactive AutoSwim=False Loop=Disabled Shuffle=False
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [Kitchen Mini] [Inactive] [PAUSED @ 0:12/14:55] My Funny Valentine - Miles Davis / Richard Rodgers / Lorenz Hart
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for cast device 23:1:189076eb-e04a-9c59-2850-5d93c4c8b189
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [dspengine] loaded DSP config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":false,"bands":[{"type":"low_shelf","frequency":98,"gain_db":-4.2,"q":1,"is_enabled":false},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":200,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":1000,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":2000,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"high_shelf","frequency":6000,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"high_pass","frequency":20,"order":1,"is_enabled":false},{"type":"low_pass","frequency":20000,"order":1,"is_enabled":false}],"gain_db":0,"y_axis_min_db":-24,"y_axis_max_db":12},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false}],"headroom_adjustment":{"type":"headroom_adjustment"},"sample_rate_conversion":{"type":"sample_rate_conversion"}}
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency 
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Library mini] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_1601eb7690184ae0599c28505d93c4c8b189.db
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Library mini] Suspend
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [zone Library mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] created zone Library mini
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport]     with endpoint Google Home Mini (23:1:189076eb-e04a-9c59-2850-5d93c4c8b189) [IsAvailable=True]
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Living Room TV] Loaded Queue=19 Tracks Swim=Inactive AutoSwim=True Loop=Disabled Shuffle=False
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [Living Room TV] [Inactive] [PAUSED @ 0:35/2:27] Wonder Boy - Arthur Russell
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [cast] lost device Google Home Mini because it disconnected
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone House group] Loaded Queue=128 Tracks Swim=Inactive AutoSwim=False Loop=Disabled Shuffle=False
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [House group] [Inactive] [PAUSED @ 2:46/3:12] Don't Touch Me - Jeannie Seely
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Basement speaker] Loaded Queue=6 Tracks Swim=Inactive AutoSwim=False Loop=Disabled Shuffle=False
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Library mini] Loaded Queue=165 Tracks Swim=Inactive AutoSwim=False Loop=Disabled Shuffle=False
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [cast] discovered Google Home Mini
05/04 18:22:58 Debug: [easyhttp] [15943] GET to returned after 321 ms, status code: 200
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [stats] 23384mb Virtual, 1443mb Physical, 709mb Managed, 360 Handles, 85 Threads
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for cast device 23:1:5048b37e-2a07-3414-ee03-99952032f245
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [dspengine] loaded DSP config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":false},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false},{"type":"peq","enabled":true,"show_all_channels":false,"filters":[{"type":"remix","enabled":true},{"type":"mute","enabled":true,"channels":[0,1]}]}],"headroom_adjustment":{"type":"headroom_adjustment"},"sample_rate_conversion":{"type":"sample_rate_conversion"},"speaker_setup":{"type":"speaker_setup"}}
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency 
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Kitchen mini] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_16017eb34850072a1434ee0399952032f245.db
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Kitchen mini] Suspend
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [zone Kitchen mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport] created zone Kitchen mini
05/04 18:22:58 Info: [transport]     with endpoint Google Home Mini (23:1:5048b37e-2a07-3414-ee03-99952032f245) [IsAvailable=True]
05/04 18:22:58 Trace: [zone Kitchen mini] Loaded Queue=10 Tracks Swim=Inactive AutoSwim=False Loop=Disabled Shuffle=False
05/04 18:22:59 Info: [cast] lost device Chromecast Audio because it disconnected
05/04 18:22:59 Info: [cast] discovered Chromecast Audio
05/04 18:22:59 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for cast device 23:1:9331d93a-6c08-2f9d-547d-527e8ad6c691
05/04 18:22:59 Trace: [dspengine] loaded DSP config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":true,"bands":[{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":51,"gain_db":-3.7,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":352.113442378502,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":1000,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":4000,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":8000,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true}],"gain_db":0,"y_axis_min_db":-24,"y_axis_max_db":12},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false},{"type":"speaker_setup"}],"headroom_adjustment":{"type":"headroom_adjustment","enable_clipping_indicator":true},"sample_rate_conversion":{"type":"sample_rate_conversion"}}
05/04 18:22:59 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency 
05/04 18:22:59 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/04 18:22:59 Trace: [zone CCA House] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_16013ad93193086c9d2f547d527e8ad6c691.db
05/04 18:23:00 Trace: [zone CCA House] Suspend
05/04 18:23:00 Info: [zone CCA House] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/04 18:23:00 Info: [transport] created zone CCA House
05/04 18:23:00 Info: [transport]     with endpoint Chromecast Audio (23:1:9331d93a-6c08-2f9d-547d-527e8ad6c691) [IsAvailable=True]
05/04 18:23:00 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [STOPPED @ 0:00] 
05/04 18:23:00 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/04 18:23:00 Trace: [zone CCA House] Loaded Queue=1535 Tracks Swim=Inactive AutoSwim=False Loop=Loop Shuffle=False
05/04 18:23:00 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PAUSED @ 2:15/7:51] Summertime - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Ira Gershwin / DuBose Heyward / Dorothy Heyward / George Gershwin

Hmm … sounds like a know “issue” and is probably technically unavoidable (the group gets destroyed and recreated on the Google side of things and/or Roon has to stop the stream to accommodate for the changed group)? See also:

1 Like

It’s a good guess, but until recently I was running a RPi with Roon Bridge over WiFi, and the same thing would happen to CCA House if that device disconnected. And, of course, the two devices weren’t grouped, being of different streaming persuasions.

So I deleted the House Group last night, to see if @BlackJack’s suggestion was the issue. This morning, I turned it on again, and it stopped after five minutes or so. Similar log file trace. This “Google Cast Group” seems to be automatic, rather than something I formed. Is there some way to get rid of that, too?

05/05 05:42:41 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/05 05:42:41 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/05 05:42:41 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:07/5:22] A Night in Tunisia - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Frank Paparelli / Dizzy Gillespie
05/05 05:42:43 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/05 05:42:44 Info: [stats] 23386mb Virtual, 1405mb Physical, 657mb Managed, 374 Handles, 79 Threads
05/05 05:42:46 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:12/5:22] A Night in Tunisia - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Frank Paparelli / Dizzy Gillespie
05/05 05:42:51 Debug: [easyhttp] [17980] POST to returned after 219 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:42:51 Trace: [devicemap] device map updated
05/05 05:42:51 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:17/5:22] A Night in Tunisia - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Frank Paparelli / Dizzy Gillespie
05/05 05:42:56 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:22/5:22] A Night in Tunisia - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Frank Paparelli / Dizzy Gillespie
05/05 05:42:59 Info: [stats] 23386mb Virtual, 1406mb Physical, 691mb Managed, 374 Handles, 78 Threads
05/05 05:43:01 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:27/5:22] A Night in Tunisia - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Frank Paparelli / Dizzy Gillespie
05/05 05:43:02 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/05 05:43:02 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/05 05:43:04 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/05 05:43:06 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:32/5:22] A Night in Tunisia - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Frank Paparelli / Dizzy Gillespie
05/05 05:43:11 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/05 05:43:11 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/05 05:43:12 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:37/5:22] A Night in Tunisia - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Frank Paparelli / Dizzy Gillespie
05/05 05:43:13 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/05 05:43:14 Info: [stats] 23386mb Virtual, 1364mb Physical, 709mb Managed, 374 Handles, 80 Threads
05/05 05:43:17 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:42/5:22] A Night in Tunisia - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Frank Paparelli / Dizzy Gillespie
05/05 05:43:21 Debug: [easyhttp] [17981] POST to returned after 215 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:21 Trace: [devicemap] device map updated
05/05 05:43:22 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:47/5:22] A Night in Tunisia - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Frank Paparelli / Dizzy Gillespie
05/05 05:43:26 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Basement speaker was playing? False
05/05 05:43:26 Trace: [zone Basement speaker] Suspend
05/05 05:43:26 Info: [zone Basement speaker] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/05 05:43:26 Info: [zone Basement speaker] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/05 05:43:27 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Living Room TV was playing? False
05/05 05:43:27 Trace: [zone Living Room TV] Suspend
05/05 05:43:27 Info: [zone Living Room TV] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/05 05:43:27 Info: [zone Living Room TV] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/05 05:43:27 Trace: [transport/zonedisplay] [Chromecast-2314f5ab2ee83dcebe81207a0de1f25f._googlecast._tcp.local] un-associated endpoint
05/05 05:43:27 Trace: [CCA House] [HighQuality, 16/44 FLAC => 24/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:48/5:22] A Night in Tunisia - The Modern Jazz Quartet / Frank Paparelli / Dizzy Gillespie
05/05 05:43:28 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Kitchen Mini was playing? False
05/05 05:43:28 Trace: [zone Kitchen Mini] Suspend
05/05 05:43:28 Info: [zone Kitchen Mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/05 05:43:28 Info: [zone Kitchen Mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/05 05:43:28 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Kitchen mini was playing? False
05/05 05:43:28 Trace: [zone Kitchen mini] Suspend
05/05 05:43:28 Info: [zone Kitchen mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/05 05:43:28 Info: [zone Kitchen mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/05 05:43:28 Info: [cast] lost device Google Home Mini because it disconnected
05/05 05:43:29 Trace: [raatserver] [RaatServer KFDOWI @] lost client connection. Retrying
05/05 05:43:29 Trace: [raatserver] [RaatServer KFDOWI @] connecting (attempt 1)
05/05 05:43:29 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Fire HD tablet was playing? False
05/05 05:43:29 Trace: [zone Fire HD tablet] Suspend
05/05 05:43:29 Info: [zone Fire HD tablet] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/05 05:43:29 Info: [zone Fire HD tablet] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/05 05:43:29 Info: [stats] 23386mb Virtual, 1360mb Physical, 678mb Managed, 344 Handles, 81 Threads
05/05 05:43:29 Info: [transport/zonedisplay] Zone display unregistered: Chromecast
05/05 05:43:29 Info: [cast] lost device Chromecast because it disconnected
05/05 05:43:30 Info: [cast] lost device Google Home Mini because it disconnected
05/05 05:43:30 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Library mini was playing? False
05/05 05:43:30 Trace: [zone Library mini] Suspend
05/05 05:43:30 Info: [zone Library mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/05 05:43:30 Info: [zone Library mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/05 05:43:30 Info: [cast] lost device Google Home Mini because it disconnected
05/05 05:43:31 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/05 05:43:31 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [remoting/serverconnectionv1] Client connected:
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [raat] [sood] Refreshing device list
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [raatserver] [sood] Refreshing device list
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [raatserver] [RaatServer KFDOWI @] connected
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] SENT {"request":"enumerate_devices","subscription_id":"0"}
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [cast] discovered Google Home Mini
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [cast] discovered Chromecast
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [cast] discovered Google Home Mini
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] GOT NONFINAL {"devices": [{"device_id": "default", "name": "Default Output", "type": "android", "is_system_output": true, "auto_enable": true, "auto_name": "KFDOWI", "discovery_data": {"tcp_port": 57701, "unique_id": "d0c09824-9bbe-a541-eb8e-521486fd7883", "raat_version": "1.1.38", "model": "N/A", "version": "N/A", "protocol_version": "3", "vendor": "N/A"}, "config": {"volume": {"type": "android", "device": "default"}, "unique_id": "d0c09824-9bbe-a541-eb8e-521486fd7883", "output": {"name": "Default Output", "type": "android", "max_bits_per_sample": 16, "device": "default"}, "external_config": {"max_sample_rate_multiplier": 1, "is_private": true, "max_bits_per_sample": 16}}}], "status": "Success"}
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [raatserver] GOT DEVICE 4164beb6364aadbfcad0f14e59e7bc1e::default Type=android Name=Default Output 
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] SENT {"request":"enable_device","device_id":"default","subscription_id":"84"}
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [raatserver] [Default Output] connecting (attempt 1)
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [cast] discovered Google Home Mini
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] GOT NONFINAL {"status": "Success"}
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] Initializing RAAT session
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] Loading script raat.dat:base.lua as module base [1088 chars]
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] Loading script raat.dat:dkjson.lua as module dkjson [22416 chars]
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] Loading script raat.dat:protocol.lua as module protocol [2045 chars]
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] Loading script raat.dat:roon_tcp.lua [43548 chars]
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for cast device 23:1:3f95b722-93d4-9fe3-e653-7e8780ebd05b
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [dspengine] created new dsp config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":false},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false}]}
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency 
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [zone Basement speaker] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_160122b7953fd493e39fe6537e8780ebd05b.db
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [remoting/remotingserverv1] SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.ConnectResponse={ BrokerId=9a3ecccb-7f7c-41b4-aee2-a936f9cace1a BrokerName='wolfe' }
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [remoting/remotingserverv1] SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.UpdatesChangedResponse={ IsSupported=True WasJustUpdated=False Status='UpToDate' HasChangeLog=False CurrentVersion={ MachineValue=100800936 DisplayValue='1.8 (build 936) stable' Branch='stable' } }
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [zone Basement speaker] Suspend
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [zone Basement speaker] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [transport] created zone Basement speaker
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [transport]     with endpoint Google Home Mini (23:1:3f95b722-93d4-9fe3-e653-7e8780ebd05b) [IsAvailable=True]
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for cast device 23:1:84edd04b-1ea5-f82e-1487-d6e1eff1384f
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [dspengine] created new dsp config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":false},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false}]}
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency 
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [zone Kitchen Mini] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_16014bd0ed84a51e2ef81487d6e1eff1384f.db
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [zone Kitchen Mini] Suspend
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [zone Kitchen Mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [transport] created zone Kitchen Mini
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [transport]     with endpoint Google Home Mini (23:1:84edd04b-1ea5-f82e-1487-d6e1eff1384f) [IsAvailable=True]
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [Kitchen Mini] [Inactive] [STOPPED @ 0:00] 
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for cast device 23:1:ac6e8082-c524-be25-6a36-e33e369ae095
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [dspengine] created new dsp config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":false},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false}]}
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency 
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [transport/zonedisplay] Zone display registered: Chromecast
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [zone Living Room TV] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_160182806eac24c525be6a36e33e369ae095.db
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [zone Living Room TV] Suspend
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [zone Living Room TV] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [transport] created zone Living Room TV
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [transport]     with endpoint Chromecast (23:1:ac6e8082-c524-be25-6a36-e33e369ae095) [IsAvailable=True]
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [Living Room TV] [Inactive] [STOPPED @ 0:00] 
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [transport/zonedisplay] [Chromecast-2314f5ab2ee83dcebe81207a0de1f25f._googlecast._tcp.local] auto-associated with endpoint Chromecast (23:1:ac6e8082-c524-be25-6a36-e33e369ae095) [IsAvailable=True]
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [cast] lost device Google Home Mini because it disconnected
05/05 05:43:32 Debug: [easyhttp] [17982] POST to returned after 542 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for cast device 23:1:5048b37e-2a07-3414-ee03-99952032f245
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [dspengine] loaded DSP config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":false},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false},{"type":"peq","enabled":true,"show_all_channels":false,"filters":[{"type":"remix","enabled":true},{"type":"mute","enabled":true,"channels":[0,1]}]}],"headroom_adjustment":{"type":"headroom_adjustment"},"sample_rate_conversion":{"type":"sample_rate_conversion"},"speaker_setup":{"type":"speaker_setup"}}
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency 
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [zone Kitchen mini] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_16017eb34850072a1434ee0399952032f245.db
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [zone Kitchen mini] Suspend
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [zone Kitchen mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [transport] created zone Kitchen mini
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [transport]     with endpoint Google Home Mini (23:1:5048b37e-2a07-3414-ee03-99952032f245) [IsAvailable=True]
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] RAAT Session initialized in 587ms
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] SENT [2]{"request":"info"}
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] SENT [3]{"request":"set_client_type","client_type":"Roon"}
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [zone Basement speaker] Loaded Queue=6 Tracks Swim=Inactive AutoSwim=False Loop=Disabled Shuffle=False
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [zone Kitchen Mini] Loaded Queue=113 Tracks Swim=Inactive AutoSwim=False Loop=Disabled Shuffle=False
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [Kitchen Mini] [Inactive] [PAUSED @ 0:12/14:55] My Funny Valentine - Miles Davis / Richard Rodgers / Lorenz Hart
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [transport] destroyed zone CCA House was playing? True
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [zone CCA House] Suspend
05/05 05:43:32 Info: 
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = HighQuality
    Source Format=Flac 44100/16/2 BitRate=818 Quality=Lossless
    UpgradeBitDepth FromBitsPerSample=16 ToBitsPerSample=64 Quality=Lossless
    Truncate FromBitsPerSample=64 ToBitsPerSample=24 Quality=Lossless
    Output OutputType=Cast Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=Chromecast Audio
    DigitalVolume DisplayMode=value GainDb=0 Quality=HighQuality Value=attenuating
    Output OutputType=Local_Other Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [zone CCA House] OnPlayFeedback Stopped
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [zone CCA House] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [zone CCA House] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [cast/httpresponder] [/00c9973c1d314e63a4e48ae7d5a1029f] delete flac encoder
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream] All streams were disposed
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer] All streams were disposed
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [zone Living Room TV] Loaded Queue=19 Tracks Swim=Inactive AutoSwim=True Loop=Disabled Shuffle=False
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [Living Room TV] [Inactive] [PAUSED @ 0:35/2:27] Wonder Boy - Arthur Russell
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] GOT [2] {"flags":{"has_write_chmap":true},"volume":{"info":{},"is_supported":true},"platform":{"os":"android","uname":{"nodename":"localhost","version":"#1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Feb 19 04:17:49 UTC 2022","release":"3.18.19-gc561fc73e50","sysname":"Linux","machine":"armv8l"}},"status":"Success","output":{"info":{"refresh_supported_formats_before_playback":true},"supported_formats":"48000/16/1|2,48000/24/1|2"},"source_selection":{"info":[],"is_supported":false},"info":{"unique_id":"d0c09824-9bbe-a541-eb8e-521486fd7883"},"transport":{"is_update_artwork_supported":true,"is_supported":true,"info":{"config":{}},"is_update_status_supported":true}}
05/05 05:43:32 Debug: [easyhttp] [17983] GET to returned after 214 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [raatserver] [Default Output] connected
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for raat device d0c09824-9bbe-a541-eb8e-521486fd7883
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] SENT [4]{"request":"subscribe_transport"}
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] SENT [5]{"request":"subscribe_controls","controller_id":"9a3ecccb-7f7c-41b4-aee2-a936f9cace1a"}
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [dspengine] created new dsp config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":false},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false}]}
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency 
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [zone Fire HD tablet] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_16012498c0d0be9b41a5eb8e521486fd7883.db
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] GOT [3] {"status":"Success"}
05/05 05:43:32 Debug: [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 95ms, got 2 top albums, 2 top performers, 1 genres
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [radio/query] performing channel query
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [radio/query] query returned 8 Sooloos.Broker.Api.Channel(s)
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 9 ms (cumulative 282897624 bytes, 133249 ops in 144529 ms)
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [zone Fire HD tablet] Suspend
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [zone Fire HD tablet] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [Fire HD tablet] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint Default Output Initial State: Idle
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [transport] created zone Fire HD tablet
05/05 05:43:32 Info: [transport]     with endpoint Default Output (23:1:d0c09824-9bbe-a541-eb8e-521486fd7883) [IsAvailable=True]
05/05 05:43:32 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] GOT [5] {"controls":{"volume":{"value":23,"max":25.0,"info":{},"step":1.0,"mute":false,"min":0.0,"type":"number"}},"action":"Changed","status":"Success"}
05/05 05:43:33 Info: [cast] discovered Google Home Mini
05/05 05:43:33 Debug: [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 110ms, got 2 top albums, 2 top performers, 1 genres
05/05 05:43:33 Trace: [radio/query] performing channel query
05/05 05:43:33 Trace: [radio/query] query returned 8 Sooloos.Broker.Api.Channel(s)
05/05 05:43:33 Trace: [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 1 ms (cumulative 282897624 bytes, 133249 ops in 144530 ms)
05/05 05:43:33 Info: [library/albumdetails] found 2 ingroup alternates, 0 other alternates
05/05 05:43:33 Info: [library/albumdetails] Created album details screen for LibraryAlbum[1343535, The Modern Jazz Quartet - The Complete Last Concert]
05/05 05:43:33 Info: [library/albumdetails] 79004d5730303030333138373139, 79004d5230303030313132363632, 79004d5230303030303935303137, 79004d5230303031333930363938, 79004d5230303032373733363737, 79004d5230303031303536373233, 79004d5230303034333139393236, 79004d5230303031383034333632, 79004d5230303033323933383831, 3e01b20eeb3c670ed64f80d805e8aa72a0a4, 3e012877f16dd8ce874aab3d0b0677b6d337, 3e012b8ae615869d4d47bde70b4223e54b71, 3e01a58275c46a5c4b4bbc41d5c521a762c9, 79004d5230303031383032343131, 3e01f8bacc7352db80449f30a4ca4b8f863e, a6003638373134303333, a600323832373631, c80030363033343937393336393931, c80030303831323237343439393634, d200313132383834
05/05 05:43:33 Trace: [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 1 ms (cumulative 282897624 bytes, 133249 ops in 144531 ms)
05/05 05:43:33 Trace: [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 5 ms (cumulative 282897624 bytes, 133249 ops in 144536 ms)
05/05 05:43:33 Trace: [zone Kitchen mini] Loaded Queue=10 Tracks Swim=Inactive AutoSwim=False Loop=Disabled Shuffle=False
05/05 05:43:33 Info: [library] recorded play for profile 96698021-f515-4cf5-8fad-93281dc39edf: mediaid=50:1:cc3c70cc-d4fe-4b41-8452-1c29cd90fe9e metadataid=123:0:MT0010753618 contentid= libraryid=50:1:cc3c70cc-d4fe-4b41-8452-1c29cd90fe9e isfromradio=False isfrommix=False isfrommobile=
05/05 05:43:33 Trace: [library] finished with 114 dirty tracks 9 dirty albums 28 dirty performers 32 dirty works 51 dirty performances 0 clumping tracks, 0 clumping auxfiles 0 compute tracks, 0 deleted tracks, 0 tracks to (re)load, 0 tracks to retain, 0 auxfiles to (re)load, 0 auxfiles to retain, and 121 changed objects
05/05 05:43:33 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for cast device 23:1:189076eb-e04a-9c59-2850-5d93c4c8b189
05/05 05:43:33 Trace: [dspengine] loaded DSP config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":false,"bands":[{"type":"low_shelf","frequency":98,"gain_db":-4.2,"q":1,"is_enabled":false},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":200,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":1000,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":2000,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"high_shelf","frequency":6000,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"high_pass","frequency":20,"order":1,"is_enabled":false},{"type":"low_pass","frequency":20000,"order":1,"is_enabled":false}],"gain_db":0,"y_axis_min_db":-24,"y_axis_max_db":12},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false}],"headroom_adjustment":{"type":"headroom_adjustment"},"sample_rate_conversion":{"type":"sample_rate_conversion"}}
05/05 05:43:33 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency 
05/05 05:43:33 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/05 05:43:33 Trace: [zone Library mini] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_1601eb7690184ae0599c28505d93c4c8b189.db
05/05 05:43:33 Info: [library/albumdetails] found 2 ingroup alternates, 0 other alternates
05/05 05:43:33 Info: [library/albumdetails] found 2 ingroup alternates, 0 other alternates
05/05 05:43:33 Trace: [zone Library mini] Suspend
05/05 05:43:33 Info: [zone Library mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/05 05:43:33 Info: [transport] created zone Library mini
05/05 05:43:33 Info: [transport]     with endpoint Google Home Mini (23:1:189076eb-e04a-9c59-2850-5d93c4c8b189) [IsAvailable=True]
05/05 05:43:33 Info: [cast] lost device Google Cast Group because it disconnected
05/05 05:43:33 Trace: [music/searchindex]  removed: 2 albums, 1 tracks, 0 works, 1 performers, 0 labels, 0 genres
05/05 05:43:33 Trace: [music/searchindex]  added: 2 albums, 1 tracks, 0 works, 1 performers, 0 labels, 0 genres
05/05 05:43:33 Debug: [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 94ms, got 2 top albums, 2 top performers, 1 genres
05/05 05:43:33 Debug: [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 93ms, got 2 top albums, 2 top performers, 1 genres
05/05 05:43:33 Debug: [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 94ms, got 2 top albums, 2 top performers, 1 genres
05/05 05:43:33 Debug: [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 94ms, got 2 top albums, 2 top performers, 1 genres
05/05 05:43:33 Debug: [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 94ms, got 2 top albums, 2 top performers, 1 genres
05/05 05:43:33 Trace: [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 8 ms (cumulative 282897624 bytes, 133249 ops in 144544 ms)
05/05 05:43:33 Trace: [library] endmutation in 722ms
05/05 05:43:33 Trace: [zone Fire HD tablet] Loaded Queue=35 Tracks Swim=Inactive AutoSwim=True Loop=Disabled Shuffle=False
05/05 05:43:33 Debug: [easyhttp] [17995] GET to returned after 927 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:33 Trace: [zone Library mini] Loaded Queue=165 Tracks Swim=Inactive AutoSwim=False Loop=Disabled Shuffle=False
05/05 05:43:33 Debug: [easyhttp] [17998] GET to returned after 925 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:33 Debug: [easyhttp] [17985] GET to returned after 1184 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:33 Debug: [easyhttp] [17999] GET to returned after 925 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:33 Debug: [easyhttp] [17984] GET to returned after 1184 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Info: [cast] discovered Google Cast Group
05/05 05:43:34 Error: [cast/client] [Google-Cast-Group-b419c7e3b66a4353b6fd33eb5533e50c._googlecast._tcp.local] Failed connect to port 32232
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [18003] POST to returned after 994 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [17989] GET to returned after 1288 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [18005] POST to returned after 1007 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [18008] POST to returned after 281 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [18014] POST to returned after 279 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [18006] POST to returned after 1019 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [17986] GET to returned after 1342 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 162ms, got 2 top albums, 2 top performers, 1 genres
05/05 05:43:34 Trace: [radio/query] performing channel query
05/05 05:43:34 Trace: [radio/query] query returned 8 Sooloos.Broker.Api.Channel(s)
05/05 05:43:34 Trace: [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 7 ms (cumulative 282897624 bytes, 133249 ops in 144551 ms)
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [17997] GET to returned after 1426 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [18000] GET to returned after 1424 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [17996] GET to returned after 1445 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [17988] GET to returned after 1679 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [17990] GET to returned after 1679 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [17991] GET to returned after 1679 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [18002] POST to returned after 1433 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Trace: [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 3 ms (cumulative 282897624 bytes, 133249 ops in 144554 ms)
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [18017] GET to returned after 345 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [17992] GET to returned after 1865 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [18013] POST to returned after 848 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [18001] GET to returned after 1724 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [17994] GET to returned after 1853 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [18010] POST to returned after 851 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [18012] POST to returned after 851 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [18004] POST to returned after 1580 ms, status code: 200
05/05 05:43:34 Info: [library/albumdetails] found 2 streaming service alternates
05/05 05:43:34 Trace: [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 1 ms (cumulative 282897624 bytes, 133249 ops in 144555 ms)
05/05 05:43:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [17987] GET to returned after 1914 ms, status code: 200

And so forth.

Still or again a grouped zone seems to be involved. You deleted the group in the Google Home app?

Yes. And it disappeared in Roon Settings/Audio, as well. This “Google Cast Group” does not show up in Settings/Audio.

I think then this (phantom zones) is something Roon Labs (@support) has to investigate.

Hi @Bill_Janssen ,

Thanks for reaching out. This is indeed strange behavior, we haven’t had other reports of similar issues and on my end Google Cast groups don’t show up in logs the same way as yours.

I wonder if the NAS Core could be related, can you try to temporarily host Roon on a standard PC and check if the behavior is the same?

Sure, I’ll give that shot and see what happens.

1 Like

Once again, I was playing KCSM (on Library mini), and once again, it just stopped. You tell me why, please. There’s no Google Cast Group involved. There are no interesting entries in the RAATServer log file.

05/28 12:48:56 Trace: [Library mini] [LowQuality 78.7x, 24/32 MP3 => 24/48] [PLAYING @ 329:25] Miles Davis - Freddie Freeloader / Maîtres de la trompette: 100 Essential Jazz Standards
05/28 12:48:58 Info: 
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = LowQuality
    Source Format=Mp3 32000/24/2 BitRate=96 Quality=LowQuality
    SampleRateConversion FromSampleRate=32000 ToSampleRate=48000 Algorithm=HighQuality Quality=Enhanced
    Truncate FromBitsPerSample=64 ToBitsPerSample=24 Quality=Lossless
    Output OutputType=Cast Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=Google Home Mini
    Output OutputType=Local_Other Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=
05/28 12:49:05 Info: [stats] 24557mb Virtual, 3236mb Physical, 1949mb Managed, 371 Handles, 82 Threads
05/28 12:49:08 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Kitchen Mini was playing? False
05/28 12:49:08 Trace: [zone Kitchen Mini] Suspend
05/28 12:49:08 Info: [zone Kitchen Mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/28 12:49:08 Info: [zone Kitchen Mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/28 12:49:08 Trace: [Library mini] [LowQuality 78.7x, 24/32 MP3 => 24/48] [PLAYING @ 329:29] Miles Davis - Freddie Freeloader / Maîtres de la trompette: 100 Essential Jazz Standards
05/28 12:49:08 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Basement speaker was playing? False
05/28 12:49:08 Trace: [zone Basement speaker] Suspend
05/28 12:49:08 Info: [zone Basement speaker] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/28 12:49:08 Info: [zone Basement speaker] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/28 12:49:09 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Living Room TV was playing? False
05/28 12:49:09 Trace: [zone Living Room TV] Suspend
05/28 12:49:09 Info: [zone Living Room TV] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/28 12:49:09 Info: [zone Living Room TV] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/28 12:49:09 Trace: [transport/zonedisplay] [Chromecast-2314f5ab2ee83dcebe81207a0de1f25f._googlecast._tcp.local] un-associated endpoint
05/28 12:49:09 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Kitchen mini was playing? False
05/28 12:49:09 Trace: [zone Kitchen mini] Suspend
05/28 12:49:09 Info: [zone Kitchen mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/28 12:49:09 Info: [zone Kitchen mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/28 12:49:09 Info: [transport] destroyed zone CCA House was playing? False
05/28 12:49:09 Trace: [zone CCA House] Suspend
05/28 12:49:09 Info: [zone CCA House] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/28 12:49:09 Info: [zone CCA House] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/28 12:49:10 Info: [cast] lost device Google Home Mini because it disconnected
05/28 12:49:10 Info: [cast] lost device Google Home Mini because it disconnected
05/28 12:49:10 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Library mini was playing? True
05/28 12:49:10 Trace: [zone Library mini] Suspend
05/28 12:49:10 Info: [zone Library mini] OnPlayFeedback Stopped
05/28 12:49:10 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream] All streams were disposed
05/28 12:49:10 Info: [zone Library mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/28 12:49:10 Info: [zone Library mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/28 12:49:10 Info: [zone Library mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/28 12:49:10 Info: [cast/httpresponder] [/c8d0f639c3ae4d9cbeeeea67e83d723d] delete flac encoder
05/28 12:49:10 Debug: [easyhttp] [4281] POST to returned after 221 ms, status code: 200
05/28 12:49:11 Info: [transport/zonedisplay] Zone display unregistered: Chromecast
05/28 12:49:11 Info: [cast] lost device Chromecast because it disconnected
05/28 12:49:11 Debug: [easyhttp] [4282] POST to returned after 491 ms, status code: 200
05/28 12:49:11 Info: [cast] lost device Google Home Mini because it disconnected
05/28 12:49:11 Info: [cast] lost device Chromecast Audio because it disconnected
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [raatserver] [RaatServer KFDOWI @] lost client connection. Retrying
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [raatserver] [RaatServer KFDOWI @] connecting (attempt 1)
05/28 12:49:12 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Fire HD tablet was playing? False
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [zone Fire HD tablet] Suspend
05/28 12:49:12 Info: [zone Fire HD tablet] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/28 12:49:12 Info: [zone Fire HD tablet] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [raatserver] [RaatServer KFDOWI @] connected
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] SENT {"request":"enumerate_devices","subscription_id":"0"}
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] GOT NONFINAL {"status": "Success", "devices": [{"name": "Default Output", "device_id": "default", "is_system_output": true, "type": "android", "config": {"volume": {"type": "android", "device": "default"}, "unique_id": "d0c09824-9bbe-a541-eb8e-521486fd7883", "output": {"type": "android", "device": "default", "name": "Default Output", "max_bits_per_sample": 16}, "external_config": {"max_sample_rate_multiplier": 1, "is_private": true, "max_bits_per_sample": 16}}, "auto_enable": true, "auto_name": "KFDOWI", "discovery_data": {"vendor": "N/A", "protocol_version": "3", "tcp_port": 57783, "unique_id": "d0c09824-9bbe-a541-eb8e-521486fd7883", "model": "N/A", "raat_version": "1.1.38", "version": "N/A"}}]}
05/28 12:49:12 Info: [raatserver] GOT DEVICE 4164beb6364aadbfcad0f14e59e7bc1e::default Type=android Name=Default Output 
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] SENT {"request":"enable_device","device_id":"default","subscription_id":"79"}
05/28 12:49:12 Info: [raatserver] [Default Output] connecting (attempt 1)
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] GOT NONFINAL {"status": "Success"}
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] Initializing RAAT session
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] Loading script raat.dat:base.lua as module base [1088 chars]
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] Loading script raat.dat:dkjson.lua as module dkjson [22416 chars]
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] Loading script raat.dat:protocol.lua as module protocol [2045 chars]
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] Loading script raat.dat:roon_tcp.lua [43548 chars]
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] RAAT Session initialized in 154ms
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] SENT [2]{"request":"info"}
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] SENT [3]{"request":"set_client_type","client_type":"Roon"}
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] GOT [2] {"flags":{"has_write_chmap":true},"status":"Success","volume":{"info":{},"is_supported":true},"source_selection":{"info":[],"is_supported":false},"output":{"supported_formats":"48000/24/1|2,48000/16/1|2","info":{"refresh_supported_formats_before_playback":true}},"transport":{"is_update_artwork_supported":true,"is_update_status_supported":true,"info":{"config":{}},"is_supported":true},"info":{"unique_id":"d0c09824-9bbe-a541-eb8e-521486fd7883"},"platform":{"uname":{"version":"#1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Feb 19 04:17:49 UTC 2022","release":"3.18.19-gc561fc73e50","sysname":"Linux","nodename":"localhost","machine":"armv8l"},"os":"android"}}
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [raatserver] [Default Output] connected
05/28 12:49:12 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for raat device d0c09824-9bbe-a541-eb8e-521486fd7883
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] SENT [4]{"request":"subscribe_transport"}
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] SENT [5]{"request":"subscribe_controls","controller_id":"9a3ecccb-7f7c-41b4-aee2-a936f9cace1a"}
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [dspengine] created new dsp config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":false},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false}]}
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency 
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] GOT [3] {"status":"Success"}
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [zone Fire HD tablet] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_16012498c0d0be9b41a5eb8e521486fd7883.db
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] GOT [5] {"controls":{"volume":{"step":1.0,"type":"number","mute":false,"min":0.0,"value":23,"info":{},"max":25.0}},"status":"Success","action":"Changed"}
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [zone Fire HD tablet] Suspend
05/28 12:49:12 Info: [zone Fire HD tablet] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [Fire HD tablet] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint Default Output Initial State: Idle
05/28 12:49:12 Info: [transport] created zone Fire HD tablet
05/28 12:49:12 Info: [transport]     with endpoint Default Output (23:1:d0c09824-9bbe-a541-eb8e-521486fd7883) [IsAvailable=True]
05/28 12:49:12 Trace: [zone Fire HD tablet] Loaded Queue=35 Tracks Swim=Inactive AutoSwim=True Loop=Disabled Shuffle=False
05/28 12:49:12 Info: [cast] lost device Google Home Mini because it disconnected
05/28 12:49:20 Info: [stats] 24557mb Virtual, 3238mb Physical, 2001mb Managed, 331 Handles, 79 Threads
05/28 12:49:22 Debug: [easyhttp] [4283] POST to returned after 210 ms, status code: 200
05/28 12:49:22 Trace: [devicemap] device map updated
05/28 12:49:28 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for cast device 23:1:9331d93a-6c08-2f9d-547d-527e8ad6c691
05/28 12:49:28 Trace: [dspengine] loaded DSP config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":true,"bands":[{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":51,"gain_db":-3.7,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":352.113442378502,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":1000,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":4000,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":8000,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true}],"gain_db":0,"y_axis_min_db":-24,"y_axis_max_db":12},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false},{"type":"speaker_setup"}],"headroom_adjustment":{"type":"headroom_adjustment","enable_clipping_indicator":true},"sample_rate_conversion":{"type":"sample_rate_conversion"}}
05/28 12:49:28 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency 
05/28 12:49:28 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/28 12:49:28 Trace: [zone CCA House] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_16013ad93193086c9d2f547d527e8ad6c691.db
05/28 12:49:28 Trace: [zone CCA House] Suspend
05/28 12:49:28 Info: [zone CCA House] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/28 12:49:28 Info: [transport] created zone CCA House
05/28 12:49:28 Info: [transport]     with endpoint Chromecast Audio (23:1:9331d93a-6c08-2f9d-547d-527e8ad6c691) [IsAvailable=True]
05/28 12:49:28 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for cast device 23:1:3f95b722-93d4-9fe3-e653-7e8780ebd05b
05/28 12:49:28 Trace: [dspengine] created new dsp config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":false},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false}]}
05/28 12:49:28 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency 
05/28 12:49:28 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/28 12:49:28 Trace: [zone Basement speaker] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_160122b7953fd493e39fe6537e8780ebd05b.db
05/28 12:49:28 Trace: [zone Basement speaker] Suspend
05/28 12:49:28 Info: [zone Basement speaker] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/28 12:49:28 Info: [transport] created zone Basement speaker
05/28 12:49:28 Info: [transport]     with endpoint Google Home Mini (23:1:3f95b722-93d4-9fe3-e653-7e8780ebd05b) [IsAvailable=True]
05/28 12:49:28 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for cast device 23:1:189076eb-e04a-9c59-2850-5d93c4c8b189
05/28 12:49:28 Trace: [dspengine] loaded DSP config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":false,"bands":[{"type":"low_shelf","frequency":98,"gain_db":-4.2,"q":1,"is_enabled":false},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":200,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":1000,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"equalize_frequency","frequency":2000,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"high_shelf","frequency":6000,"gain_db":0,"q":1,"is_enabled":true},{"type":"high_pass","frequency":20,"order":1,"is_enabled":false},{"type":"low_pass","frequency":20000,"order":1,"is_enabled":false}],"gain_db":0,"y_axis_min_db":-24,"y_axis_max_db":12},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false}],"headroom_adjustment":{"type":"headroom_adjustment"},"sample_rate_conversion":{"type":"sample_rate_conversion"}}
05/28 12:49:28 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency 
05/28 12:49:28 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
05/28 12:49:28 Trace: [Library mini] [LowQuality, 24/32 MP3 => 24/48] [PLAYING @ 329:29] Miles Davis - Freddie Freeloader / Maîtres de la trompette: 100 Essential Jazz Standards
05/28 12:49:28 Trace: [zone Library mini] Loading from /volume1/RoonServer/RoonServer/Database/Core/97e68fc1167f4408b497c530723b9701/transport/zone_1601eb7690184ae0599c28505d93c4c8b189.db
05/28 12:49:28 Trace: [zone Library mini] Suspend
05/28 12:49:28 Info: [zone Library mini] Canceling Pending Sleep
05/28 12:49:28 Info: [transport] created zone Library mini
05/28 12:49:28 Info: [transport]     with endpoint Google Home Mini (23:1:189076eb-e04a-9c59-2850-5d93c4c8b189) [IsAvailable=True]
05/28 12:49:28 Trace: [Library mini] [LowQuality, 24/32 MP3 => 24/48] [STOPPED @ 0:00]

Hi @Bill_Janssen ,

Are the above traces still from your NAS Core or have you tried switching to another Core?

Can you please confirm that you are using the latest firmware on each of the mesh points and the primary router?

If there are any firmware updates, you may need to download them from ASUS and manually upload them.

Sometimes ASUS also has a feature called Smart Connect, please check to make sure that this is disabled on your end.

Thanks, Noris.

No, I haven’t tried that yet. Still on the NAS. I don’t understand what that exercise would show us.

Yes, it’s the latest firmware.

Smart connect was enabled. I’ve now disabled it and re-booted the router. It seems like a nifty feature – why disable it?

Well, it stopped again, but this time it looks different.

06/01 12:55:59 Trace: [CCA House] [LowQuality 60.6x, 24/32 MP3 => 24/48] [PLAYING @ 279:41] Larry Young - Talkin' About J.C.
06/01 12:56:04 Trace: [CCA House] [LowQuality 60.6x, 24/32 MP3 => 24/48] [PLAYING @ 279:42] Larry Young - Talkin' About J.C.
06/01 12:56:06 Trace: [broker/accounts] [heartbeat] now=6/1/2022 7:56:06 PM nextauthrefresh=6/1/2022 8:36:06 PM nextmachineallocate=6/1/2022 11:36:06 PM
06/01 12:56:09 Trace: [CCA House] [LowQuality 60.6x, 24/32 MP3 => 24/48] [PLAYING @ 279:44] Larry Young - Talkin' About J.C.
06/01 12:56:09 Warn: Radio stream backing returned early
06/01 12:56:10 Info: [cast/httpresponder] [/cb9b1b0f972042e8bddeaaaf03c81806] delete flac encoder
06/01 12:56:13 Info: [stats] 23302mb Virtual, 956mb Physical, 663mb Managed, 370 Handles, 100 Threads
06/01 12:56:15 Trace: [CCA House] [LowQuality 60.6x, 24/32 MP3 => 24/48] [PLAYING @ 279:50] Larry Young - Talkin' About J.C.
06/01 12:56:19 Info: [zone CCA House] OnPlayFeedback StoppedEndOfMediaNatural
06/01 12:56:19 Trace: [CCA House] [LowQuality 60.6x, 24/32 MP3 => 24/48] [STOPPED @ 0:00] Larry Young - Talkin' About J.C.
06/01 12:56:19 Debug: [easyhttp] [1829] POST to returned after 323 ms, status code: 200
06/01 12:56:19 Debug: [easyhttp] [1830] POST to returned after 222 ms, status code: 200
06/01 12:56:24 Trace: [zone CCA House] [zone] no playback for 5s, suspending to release audio device
06/01 12:56:24 Trace: [zone CCA House] Suspend
06/01 12:56:24 Trace: [zone CCA House] Stop
06/01 12:56:24 Info: [zone CCA House] OnPlayFeedback Stopped
06/01 12:56:24 Trace: [zone CCA House] Stop
06/01 12:56:24 Info: [zone CCA House] Canceling Pending Sleep
06/01 12:56:24 Info: [zone CCA House] Canceling Pending Sleep
06/01 12:56:24 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream] All streams were disposed
06/01 12:56:24 Error: [cast/client] [CastRoonApplicationChannel] Media error: { "sourceId": "156fdcc0-a7dd-49af-a5e5-5efb6752cd85", "destinationId": "sender-4690", "namespace": "", "payloadUtf8": "{\"requestId\":232888,\"type\":\"INVALID_REQUEST\",\"reason\":\"INVALID_MEDIA_SESSION_ID\"}" }
06/01 12:56:24 Error: [cast/client] [CastRoonApplicationChannel] Media error: { "sourceId": "156fdcc0-a7dd-49af-a5e5-5efb6752cd85", "destinationId": "sender-4690", "namespace": "", "payloadUtf8": "{\"requestId\":232889,\"type\":\"INVALID_REQUEST\",\"reason\":\"INVALID_MEDIA_SESSION_ID\"}" }
06/01 12:56:24 Error: [cast/client] [CastRoonApplicationChannel] Media error: { "sourceId": "156fdcc0-a7dd-49af-a5e5-5efb6752cd85", "destinationId": "sender-4690", "namespace": "", "payloadUtf8": "{\"requestId\":232890,\"type\":\"INVALID_REQUEST\",\"reason\":\"INVALID_MEDIA_SESSION_ID\"}" }
06/01 12:56:24 Debug: [easyhttp] [1831] POST to returned after 222 ms, status code: 200
06/01 12:56:24 Debug: [easyhttp] [1832] POST to returned after 217 ms, status code: 400
06/01 12:56:28 Info: [stats] 23269mb Virtual, 960mb Physical, 659mb Managed, 368 Handles, 93 Threads
06/01 12:56:43 Info: [stats] 23245mb Virtual, 960mb Physical, 645mb Managed, 368 Handles, 94 Threads
06/01 12:56:58 Info: [stats] 23253mb Virtual, 960mb Physical, 650mb Managed, 368 Handles, 95 Threads

Stopped twice today (so far). The first time, after playing about 30 minutes, it says the Chromecast Audio disconnected. The second time, the Roon Server process ran out of memory, and the OS killed it and restarted it.

Ah! Found my original thread on this topic. So it’s been happening since 1.6.

Hi @Bill_Janssen ,

This feature is when the router tells the device to switch between the 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz networks depending on the signal strength.

We are currently investigating a memory issue, which may be related to this playback stoppage.

It looks like your Radio stream was playing fine and then the radio stream had an error and caused the stream to stop. Do you only see this issue when playing internet radio? This could be a general networking issue where connectivity is disrupted for a moment. On Live Radio there are shorter buffers, so it would be more susceptible to network issues.

Thanks for getting back to me on this, Noris. I agree with all your analyses. I’m currently running more tests to see if it will fail. I’ll report back next week on what I see.

However, I think there’s still a bug, regardless of whether my system is or is not working. Over and over I’ve seen that failure of connection on some endpoint, an endpoint that’s quiescent, not in “PLAYING” mode, will cause all the other endpoints to stop playing. This is a bug, and should be in your issue tracker. The “workaround” of having every endpoint hardwired is unnecessarily costly, and in the long run, unworkable, as WiFi continues to replace hardwired connections.

Hi @Bill_Janssen ,

It is possible that a network hiccup is causing both the stream to fail and for the endpoint to be lost. Since there is a bit of a buffer on audio playback, the endpoint would disconnect sooner than you would see the effects on the audio playback.

Can you provide any more details on this? Do you have any log snippets? Are they in a group when this happens?

Look at the log entries above in this thread, in the posts from May 4 and May 5.

See also

I can provide lots more examples if necessary. This was particularly bad when I had a Pi 3B+ running RoPieee and using WiFi in a corner where it dropped off the network a lot. Even though the Pi wasn’t playing anything, every time, the streaming to my Chromecast Audio would stop.

Hi Bill,

In this snippet, it looks as if you are playing to the Chromecast zone and then there is a network event that causes loss of your Chromecast and your KFDOWI server as well, it looks almost as if the entire network goes down temporarily.

How often does this issue happen? Are you able to reproduce it with just one mesh node as part of the network? What happens if you try to ungroup the Chromecast zones?