Tracks stuck in "Adding Music To Library" (due to file corruption issues) [Solved]

From this now-solved issue we can garner a useful piece of information on locating corrupt files.

Even mp3 files are generally quite large. There shouldn’t be any “tiny” (ie under 10kB or so) mp3 files.

In my case, the problem with ingestion of my library was that some corrupt mp3 files were stalling the process. Probably they failed to copy from their original source and I was left with a tiny garbage file with the right name and extension.

If you are getting the ingestion process sticking, do a search for mp3 files of under 10kB in size. You can safely trash them as virtually no audio file will be that tiny.

With the help of Support I found the first two. Having determined what to look for, I found three more. Removing them allowed my library to be ingested successfully.

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Thanks for the follow up. That is really useful to note.

I appear to be having the same problem (Jan 2), is there an issue with holidays?

How do you scan for the small files? Mine are all .flac and there is aboutv20,000 of them.

Same problem here. Did clean clean install on fresh mac mini. Deleted my libraries and reinstalled Roon and reimported. 57k files are imported, but 0 identified. Rebooted computer and app, but still 0 identified. Using iTunes Media library and ALAC file format from Drobo 5N NAS which hasn’t given me this issue before. I should add that I was able to manually identity and album.

It looks very much like the Roon lookup server is down again. Others with the same issue are reporting in this thread.

I’ll close this thread down so we can have a central news location. I expect the server will be brought back up as soon as the holiday weekend allows.

Edit: Lookup servers are now up. Re-opening this thread for those who have file corruption issues.

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I am on a Macintosh. If you have the library Finder window open you can hit Command-F to search and it will bring up a set of options at the top allowing you to add a whole bunch of criteria including file size and extension to search for.

If you’re running Windows or Linux I’m afraid I don’t know the answer off the top of my head but hopefully someone else will.

3 posts were split to a new topic: Adding Music stuck on Linux

2 posts were split to a new topic: Albums not identified after Migrating Roon from the PC to the SonicTransporter

A post was split to a new topic: Tracks stuck in “Adding Music To Library”