'View More' - not showing in Focus release Date column

I believe this is very similar to the issue raised here : - Roon 1.8 - View More sometimes not available in Focus [Resolved] - #9 by Stephen_Vorenberg

However, the ‘view more’ option doesn’t appear if there is less than 70 years of albums. See screenshots

What makes it more puzzling is, I’ve got albums released in the sixties, so I’m not sure why the 60’s tag isn’t showing ?

I used the year slide in the FOCUS in 1.7, and I’ve seen the feature shown from the ‘view more’ option, seems a shame not to to provide the functionality regardless of the volume of albums in the library. I’m guessing this is a bug?

Thanks for 1.8, and release 764, it just keeps getting better and better.

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It is also reported in these topics:

It looks like it will be fixed:

Thank you, I thought it had been addressed. I’ve now added it to this topic: