(Phil Smith)
February 25, 2021, 1:37am
I believe this is very similar to the issue raised here : - Roon 1.8 - View More sometimes not available in Focus [Resolved] - #9 by Stephen_Vorenberg
However, the ‘view more’ option doesn’t appear if there is less than 70 years of albums. See screenshots
What makes it more puzzling is, I’ve got albums released in the sixties, so I’m not sure why the 60’s tag isn’t showing ?
I used the year slide in the FOCUS in 1.7, and I’ve seen the feature shown from the ‘view more’ option, seems a shame not to to provide the functionality regardless of the volume of albums in the library. I’m guessing this is a bug?
Thanks for 1.8, and release 764, it just keeps getting better and better.
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It is also reported in these topics:
Description Of Issue
Relevant system info at bottom after the break.
Hello @support I’m trying to create a Focus in Tracks or Albums using “Added in the last”, I’m only able to see back to Jan 1, 2018.
I have Track Import Dates default to File Creation Time:
And this gives me stuff dating back to 2005, which seems correct:
I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a screen cap that goes back more than 3 or 4 years, including this thread from 2018: How can I 'focus' on added befor…
Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)
Mac OSX 10.13.6 / Mac Mini 2010 / Roon version 1.8 (build 756)
Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Mac OSX 10.15.5 / Mac Mini 2018 / Roon version 1.8 (build 756), over ethernet.
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
Not relevant / any device
When attempting to use the Focus menu to filter by Release Date (on albums…
Perhaps a minor question given the current 1.8 tidal wave of comments… but something I used a lot seems to have completely vanished, and I’m sure there must still be a way to do this:
I want to filter and view all albums released on a specific year. Say, ‘1991’.
In the Focus menu, the release date column only allows me to choose decades. What am I doing wrong?
It looks like it will be fixed:
Apologies for the trouble, @Hazen !
We are aware of the issue here and are working to resolve it. Things should be working for you soon!
Thank you, I thought it had been addressed. I’ve now added it to this topic:
I wanted to ensure that responses from the Roon team are easily accessible in one thread; it is hard to keep up to date on every topic/issue.
I am limiting the list to only show issues that are either being investigated by Roon, or are actively being resolved.
I also want to make some distinction between issues that are effecting a minority of users which will require technical support specific to their control/core/endpoint setup, and functionality/behaviour across all users that will either …