Roon 1.8 - Tidal Skipping Tracks Midway Randomly

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

-Synology DS415+, DSM 6.2.4-25556
-Roon 1.8 (build 783)
-Bonded hardwired ethernet connection (2GBps)

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Internet: AT&T Gigabit Fiber (1000down/1000up)
-Whole house gigabit wired connection (ports in each room)
-Asus AX88u router (DHCP)
-1 x Asus AC68R, 2 x Asus AC86U (Asus AI Mesh, Wireless AC)

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

For this issue:

  • Roon endpoint: Squeezebox Touch
  • Connection: ethernet, digital coax → Schiit Modi Multibit DAC → NAD D3020 V2

Other Endpoints:

  • Raspberry Pi 3B (ropieeeXL) (ethernet)
  • Raspberry Pi 4 (ropieeeXL) (ethernet)
  • SB Touch (ethernet)

Issue Description:

-When playing Tidal playlist, Roon will randomly skip to the next song mid-song.
-Sometimes the “track is not available on Tidal” message will pop up even though the song is playing.
-Has been happening for several days, though I haven’t tried the other endpoints.
-All devices are updated to the latest Roon version.

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A post was split to a new topic: Issue with TIDAL skipping midway through track

4 posts were split to a new topic: Trouble with TIDAL playback since 1.8

A post was split to a new topic: Roon + TIDAL sometimes skips

A post was split to a new topic: Issue with TIDAL + Roon but everything is fine when using the Tidal app

A post was split to a new topic: More tracks getting skipped from TIDAL

A post was split to a new topic: Having problems with TIDAL playback

Hello everyone :wave:

Thanks for chiming in and sharing similar symptoms when trying to playback from TIDAL. While we are really sorry this is happening, we’re here to help :slightly_smiling_face:

The effects might very well be alike, but the cause could be different in each case, especially since he service doesn’t seem to be down.

@Prashant_Sistla, I was wondering if you could please try these steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings → Services and log out of TIDAL
  2. Reboot your Core
  3. Log back into TIDAL in Settings → Services

Does it help?

@beka - Thanks for the response :). Let me give the steps above a try and I’ll update.

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@beka - per your instructions, I:

  1. logged out of Tidal (in Roon)
  2. Rebooted Roon Core (ie. stopped / started package in Synology DSM)
  3. logged back into Tidal (in Roon)

Playback of my test playlist was good for a while and then just now a song skipped midway. So unfortunately, I don’t think that did the trick.

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A post was split to a new topic: Playback problems with TIDAL content

A post was split to a new topic: TIDAL playback problems frequently

A post was split to a new topic: TIDAL playback stops partway through

I am having the same issues on 2 different endpoint. Also problem on a third endpoint with local music but that could be a different issue

still happening with version stable 790

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Yeah - it’s still happening for me as well. But it’s just Tidal - my local library seems to be okay.

Hi @Prashant_Sistla

I have the issue with Tidal for sure on 2 end points, regarding the third endpoint I thought it was on local music but in reality it could have well been Tidal again.
Reason I am saying this is that when it happened Roon was used by my daughter and she told me she couldn’t listen the music as it was constantly skipping. I quickly looked at the Queue/History in Roon and I saw that Roon was skipping a bunch of songs that are in my library. However the same songs are also in the Tidal library to listen them when away. Your comment made me realize that I didn’t check which version was actually played at the time Roon skipped, if it was the local version or the Tidal one. So it could well be that were actual Tidal songs. Will check when back home if there is a way to figure it out, probably from the logs.

A post was split to a new topic: Some of the songs play in parts, with interrupted audio, then the playback starts normally around the second 5-10

Hi @Prashant_Sistla

If you go to Settings > Services and lower TIDAL’s streaming quality to the lowest setting, just as a test, does the same behavior occur?

Is this only happening for the Squeezebox? The other devices work fine?

Hi @dylan! It happened while using my 2018 retina Macbook Pro + Helm Bolt USB DAC as an endpoint as well. I will test with one of the other endpoints as well as lower the quality.

Will update later today. Thanks!

@dylan - I can confirm that the Tidal song skipping is occurring with my other endpoint as well (Allo Digione ethernet connected → Schiit Gungnir Multibit DAC → Schiit Jotunheim 2 amp). I will say that over the past 24hrs, the skipping has occurred much less often. I have only noticed one or two occurrences.

I’ll reduce the audio quality and test some more.