(Geoff Coupe)
February 20, 2024, 9:00pm
Maybe not in terms of votes, but it is certainly up there in terms of longest-standing and most often requested feature.
In just five minutes of searching I’ve found over 20 other topics asking for the same feature, or complaining about having to use tags as a workaround, dating back to 2015. I’m sure there are countless other comments wanting the same that are hidden in other topics.
I feel it’s disingenuous to say it’s not a top requested feature. What other feature suggestion, at least in terms of UI, has been this often requested for so long, without implementation?
Roon Core Machine
<MacBook Pro. Ventura 13.3.1
I cannot see where I rate individual tracks. Only the entire albums. Please can someone explain where or how I rate the tracks. I have searched the manual and online but cannot find answer. Many thanks
Networking Gear & Setup Details
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Number of Tracks in Library
Description of Issue
I am not just talking about bringing track tags back so that people can continue to use the “5-Stars”, “4-Stars” track tag workaround. While I would love to have that back I would even more like it if Roon actually had individual track star-ratings. it would be even better if Roon could read the star ratings that are already available in our files and apply them to the same tracks in Roon. Being able to change these star ratings in Roon and have them reflected into the file would just be the …
We can rate album with 5 stars (rating) but only the Favourite and Banned for tracks.
I use Itunes for several years and really like the stars rating because it give more flexibility when we create smart playlist. (Bookmark in Roon).
I really like ROON and i’m a new Lifetime subscriber and I was surprise we cannot rate tracks with a 5 stars (rating).
Hope we will get it soon !
I’d like 10⭐️
But the option to choose:
I Would like to personally rate tracks on the cd’s I play. My friend’s Aurender offers this possibilty in the firm of 1 to 5 stars. How about Roon?
Does Roon allow me to rate songs by 5 stars level like what I can do in iTune?
I’ve just started using Roon and love it so far. I’ve been letting Roon Radio pick stuff for me as a test.
If this feature is already there, sorry, I haven’t been able to find it. I have just found the like button…
How about a 5 star system?
Surely this would make the jukebox algorithm better at picking stuff you really like. One could have a filter - ‘Skew towards my favourites’.
Also, a ‘never play it’ would be useful. There are plenty of albums where there are song I really never want to …
Can Roon import the iTunes Star ratings? I make heavy use of iTunes Star ratings and I would like those ratings to be imported into Roon. I am evaluating Roon and I have not been able to accomplish this or at least it is not obvious if it is supported. It actually appears as though I have to re-rate all my tracks/albums that I import from iTunes into Roon. Given the time and effort I spent rating my music (over the years) that could be a deal breaker for me. Thanks.
I know this has been requested before, but I think it is time again considering it has not been implemented even though it has been asked for since 2015. Not having individual track ratings is killing me. Sometimes I like a song, but don’t absolutely love it, and I want to be able to rate accordingly. I then use these ratings to make playlists. I don’t use Apple Music and I don’t think I should have to go back and forth between apps to accomplish this. I want to be able to just click “3 sta…
Roon has struggled to bring us basic track ratings like all other music management software. I have over 30,000 tracks and about 11,000 have an individual like (heart icon). But not all tracks hold the same weight. Thus the need for a rating system. I have some basic bookmarks like favorites (which include all 11,000 tracks) 24 Bit, Metal music, etc. I don’t like (heart) albums because not every great album contain all great songs (there’s usually a couple of bad apples). Even my favorite …
Is there any way to import the RATING tag that is already on many of my files and use this within ROON? Coming from JRiver, it was very easy for me to mark a track with 1-5 stars directly from a handheld remote control which then saved the rating tag into the files. I then could filter by rating of songs.
I would like to accomplish this in ROON. How do I do it?
Can we have rating for songs and not just albums?
I have recently moved from Windows Media Player and ratings system was single most important way to manage my database. RIght now, I managed to shift to Roon and used Tags to maintain those rating. However, it would be great to have ratings for each song as well and have it as a column.
Also, would be great to have it as something that is editable through Tag editors like MP3Tags.
So why can we “heart” a song when it’s playing, or when it’s being displayed in it’s album-listing page ?
If I’ve rated an album as 3*, then it’s ok / mediocre, but that might mean there are a couple of 2* tracks and an all-time-classic 5* track.
Every single track needs its own rating. And every album too. This, for me - and reading comments from many others - is fundamental.
We should now be talking about questions like this : I’ve pointed Roon at four (or more - insert appropriate nu…
Dear Sirs,
Can anyone tell me if Roon can import existing Tags and in particular the Tag “Score” (= Rating) (Zero to 5 Stars) from audiofiles that were originally and all manually tagged in MediaMonkey audioplayer software ?
In attach a print screen where you can see the yellow stars as the TAG “Score” (= Rating)
It is mandatory for me that also these “Score” Tags can be imported and later showed into Roon also with various sorting and filtering capabilities.
So Roon must be able to sort / f…
Hi! Please forgive my ignorance, but is there a way to Rate Songs/Albums in Roon, besides just clicking the “Heart” button?
I switched over from iTunes a few months ago and I used to rate my songs by STARS.
Then use SMART Playlists. So I’ve have my 5 Star Playlist, 4 Star Playlist, 3 Star Playlist and 4&5 Star Playlist, 3, 4, & 5 Star Playlist. This way I could listen to my top favorite songs, but then listen to more songs that I liked, but didn’t want to hear maybe all the time. I really …
Hi! Just putting in a feature request for the ability to give Star Ratings to individual songs instead of just whole albums. Thanks for listening!
I am adding lots of ripped CD’s in Roon right now. At the same time I take a quick listen to the songs. I would like to rate single songs, and add my own comments to each and every album. Can that be done?
Finally I am wondering if it’s possible to focus in ”my albums” to my ratings every **** album. I can see that it’s possible to do with albums ”editorial rated”, but how about my own rating?
individual track ratings (0 to 5 stars)
better meta data import (individual tags)
Metadata editing
more detailed Metadata for classical collections
light subscription (cheaper fee)
leaner tree (less clicks needed to reach a certain song)
Easier access to Hires music (instead of focus filter)
My own contribution is mostly a compilation of already mentioned wishes, but these are my top ones. Roon Mobile would be a dream, even if that stream would be transcoded.
iPad portrait mode
Sleep Timer and Alarm Clock
Individual track ratings
Set genre on track level
Edit metadata locally
Search speed improvements
Roon Mobile
Spotify integration
Roon user submitted reviews
Yes…please restore the tag and playlist functionality
One of the benefits of roon is how roon radio discovers gems within your collection.
From previous software I have rated tens of thousands of tracks in a 5 star system. Many of my 2 star tracks are good/ok within the context of an album but not appropriate when randomly dropped into a playlist. The 1 star tracks are just plain bad/embarrassing.
Is there a way of identifying these tracks so that roon skips them and they don’t feature in the roon radio?
(Critic Owl)
August 10, 2024, 6:07pm
As a DJ, I’m really struggling with not having track ratings. Even using “favorite” isn’t easy because it is hidden in the player. What I need is the ability to play music, then hit a rating before the track ends. This is how I can quickly listen through new tracks and find the ones I want to use in future sets. Not having this feature means that I have to use other software to play music and rate it, which is annoying (at best).
My ideal solutions:
Show track rating (stars) in the track queue window / list
Allow track rating by clicking on a new star value in the list
Ability to search based on track rating
Smart Lists that support using track ratings
October 13, 2024, 8:15am
I wonder with some cynicism if track level ratings leans away from the ‘album focused’ as the artist intended mantra that some purists (and record labels / owners of digital streaming rights) argue for.
Perhaps they want to avoid a track based ecosystem (like Spotify)
100% agree this is a glaringly obvious misusing feature and one that’s consistently requested and discussed.